6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
i honestly don't know if i can keep rping :/ i thought things were going to be better when i got home but i've just been stressed as hell since i got back
latest #22
Loup D'etat
6 years ago
Loup D'etat
6 years ago
take care of you
6 years ago
i think rp's super fun and i love meeting new people but my mother just drains the life out of me
6 years ago
if she's not sick, she's abusive as fuck and i'm just. so tired. i had all these plans for myself that i'm not doing because i'm just crying all the time lmao #tmi
6 years ago
(she's not making me cry in particular, just, constantly overwhelmed tbh)
6 years ago
idk why she's like this??? and i end up shutting everything out just so i can center myself, which i fucking never can in this goddamn house
6 years ago
i'll give it this month and if i don't bounce back i guess it's bye guys :'-(
Loup D'etat
6 years ago
Loup D'etat
6 years ago
you don't have to disappear? Just because you aren't doing RP doesn't mean I'll kick you off my timeline
6 years ago
thank you, maybe i'll just hang out and chill w u guys from time to time, maybe post art
Loup D'etat
6 years ago
I'd like that
Loup D'etat
6 years ago
and if games are too much, you can always try PSLs
6 years ago
yeah that's also true...
hair cryptid
6 years ago
yes, plz hang out <3 you are always welcome
6 years ago
jill grahamyao
6 years ago
pls stick around on my timeline
6 years ago
another +1 hoping that even if you don't stay RPing, you can at least stay on plurk to hang out!
6 years ago
i love you guys :'-(
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