the original novel version.
And several other of the 7th Doctor's books too.
There are suppose to be out print but here was this Doctor Who stall there that had a whole bunch of them for about $ 7 each.
Davies wrote one of them. Long before he brought Who back to TV. Got it too.
That was luck really, really luck
Nope, Apparently in Indiana, there is a store that is dedicated to selling all Doctor Who stuff and there were here this year at Gencon.
oh yes! I am going there sometime in the next two weeks
Chance of a lifetime really. These books are important because they laid the foundations for Davies and Moffat would do with the new series.
That line that Moffat likes so much ". Never be cruel and never be cowardly." he got that from Paul Cornell who used it over and over his books.
and then there is Lawrence Miles.... He wrote some books for the 8th Doctor and his ideas... Well, He came up with the idea of the Time War.
Unfortunately the 8th Doctor era of books is.... well.... a mess where everyone has there own ideas of how to make Doctor Who successful and it is all chaos and bad ideas and so...The Time War that happened in the books get the rare honor of deliberately being nuked from canon never to be spoken of again by the TV series doing it.
well there is the audio being done
Yes, Big finish is canon pretty much.
Night of the Doctor said so and Davies said he always consider it to be what happened with Macgann too.
But the *8th Doctor Novels and the Big finish audios about him are mutual exclusive things that REALLY contradict each other. the early 2000s just before the series came back was from what I've read of the fandom then was a very bad time. Literally a civil war over what was the proper continuation of the classic series.
and somehow Im not surpised sadly
Yes, DW fandom has always been rather... Well, Jodie Whittaker only the newest spat in long history of them.
I feel fandoms in general are - but the more popular obviously - well you know
some anime fandoms or My Little Pony Friendship is Magic at the start
steven universe fandom blew up with the big reveal
I am well versed in all of them.
oh; yes before I head to bed - we was wondering if you think davros is psychic or not
we was talking about everyone in WHO that is pyschic more or less
There has been no indicating in any of his appearances but...
this already sounds like that plurk; XD - do go on
If it turns out he still had real eyes all along, I don't see why not on himbeing psychic
well we brought up maybe Time War stuff but thats another good point
He probably wouldn't be fully aware of it though.
nod nod; we was just wondering your input :3
anyway, I need to head off to bed too....
I should be introing in the next three days btw.