your ghost host
5 years ago
V on the hearts meme! not late at all
latest #12
5 years ago
holy shit V
5 years ago
it's been 800 years
5 years ago
your ghost host
5 years ago
Erratic as heck and nowhere near as active as I used to be... BUT STILL HERE
your ghost host
5 years ago
Autistic_Ace: /HUGS BACK
your ghost host
5 years ago
thorhugs: No pun intended, I don't have the heart to not keep V in Wake 9000 years later
your ghost host
5 years ago
barely active, but hanging in there
your ghost host
5 years ago
Because someday I'll be caught up again
your ghost host
5 years ago
your ghost host
5 years ago
And I'll have the local baristas to thank
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