5 years ago Lupinranger vs Patoranger
latest #26
5 years ago
I love these morons
forever rain
5 years ago
forever rain
5 years ago
casually replurks bc my boys XD
5 years ago
bless XD
5 years ago
they're so cute
forever rain
5 years ago
forever rain
5 years ago
I feel so weird about Kairi being one of my favorites tho
forever rain
5 years ago
I mean I'm old enough to be his mom and his actor was still in high school when the show started (he didn't graduate tillo about episode 7 or so)
forever rain
5 years ago
or whichever ep aired my birthday weekend lol
forever rain
5 years ago
okay I ocunted it and it's episode 9
5 years ago
oh I hear you I'm way older than the cast lol
forever rain
5 years ago
not to mention this is the second year in a row I've fallen head over heels for the sixth XD (I had it so bad for Tsurugi last year jfc XDDD and now I think I might have it a teeny bit worse for Noel lmao XD)
5 years ago
6ths are like that!! the obnoxious ones are so fun
5 years ago
Noel's great with how he has to do his own thing & can't share all his intel, but he really obviously wants everyone to trust him
5 years ago
and he CARES
forever rain
5 years ago
Exactly! I think that's why I like him so much, he's an absolute sweetheart despite things
5 years ago
yes gosh and the Lupins in particular are so soft towards him now
5 years ago
Kairi's face when he was looking at him
forever rain
5 years ago
eeeee ikr
forever rain
5 years ago
if I end up shipping them like I ended up shipping Lucky and Tsurugi last year, please shoot me lmao (okay no don't, but still XD)
forever rain
5 years ago
a it is right now I'm half shipping Noel and Tsukasa for some reason
5 years ago
lmao <3
5 years ago
I'm shipping Kairi/Noel pretty hard rn tbh
5 years ago
and Touma/Noel based on the other week
5 years ago
and Tsukasa/anyone she damn well wants because she's awesome
forever rain
5 years ago
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