Man, why do I do this to myself.
latest #7
Why do I put myself out there, lay my heart on the line, open my very soul up? I always end up getting hurt. Every time I do it I think, never again.
But there's always a next time.
I already know that in a few short months I'll crack and break and end up reading Where the Red Fern Grows or Of Mice and Men again and here I'll be, ugly crying over books.
I mean, even now, Ol' Yeller is calling to me.
6 years ago
Don't do it! Harden your heart!
I can't! I love them so much!
But I know I won't readOl' Yeller for at least a week. Red Fern always breaks my heart bad and I can't read no sad things for a while. It's tied with Of Mice and Men for heartache. Ol' Yeller is a bit like Charlotte's Web: It hurts, but I am still okay.
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