almost clueless
6 years ago
[RL] Red tape sucks! (I realize that this is not news)
latest #6
almost clueless
6 years ago
In the last two hours I have made 5 phone calls and tried to dig information out of three separate web sites to get a tiny, routine piece of information. It's a perfect storm of small errors and stupidity.
almost clueless
6 years ago
I am going to solve it, it's solvable, but WOW I'm getting aggravated.
almost clueless
6 years ago
XD Phone's running out of power, I'm trying to use the poorly fitting charger I have to remedy that.
almost clueless
6 years ago
Laptop's out of juice, but my buddy's electrical system is only half-modern so I need to move to her kitchen to plug it in.
6 years ago
two hours and five phone calls ugh...
almost clueless
6 years ago
XD And the guy who made it toughest on me is now exasperated, so I'm making him suffer by not taking my Holy Grail document to him until I damned well feel like it.
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