6 years ago
I took four allergy pills today instead of just one. My body feels so tired and I feel like I have no control over it. Idk how people do drugs man. I’m fucked up just from some vanilla ass allergy pills
latest #17
6 years ago
It’s a shame cause I love needles and getting shots
6 years ago
I could’ve been a great heroin addict
6 years ago
jlel I’m the same. I like the feeling of the needle going in and watching blood go into the container thing
6 years ago
I get hives often so I have to take medicine for it. I’m allergic to dust and usually have to take medicine everyday
6 years ago
Earlier my hives were so bad I was scratching my body so much that my skin bled
6 years ago
Felt like the xmen scene where he scratches his back with a cheese grater
6 years ago
Not lotion but I have a body soap thing that’s supposed to help maybe
6 years ago
And yeah I get hives when I play with my dogs and if they lick me. Not going to stop tho
6 years ago
I wish I had food allergies as opposed to this. It’s a lot easier to avoid eating peanuts than it is to avoid dust
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