6 years ago
augh, am not untempted to send Tenbin Gold to Thistlegreen, am also considering Shinken Red for Fasti, and I really should place McCoy one of these days
latest #10
forever rain
6 years ago
forever rain
6 years ago
i am totally not saying that cause I have Tsurugi there honest xD
6 years ago
oh he'd be why I'd send Balance there lmao <3333 because I know you a bit and because castmates
6 years ago
used to be so much easier to find toku around
forever rain
6 years ago
forever rain
6 years ago
But yeah do it because I was honestly gonna start have Tsurugi start getting his memories of the others back with Balance anyway now that he got his sword and shield back lol
6 years ago
Oh that's good
6 years ago
Is there anyone you ship him with that you'd like??? I'm lazy and haven't made accounts but I play a couple more of them on email now and then and I could play more >.>
forever rain
6 years ago
I pretty much just ship him with Lucky tbh
6 years ago
Oh goodness I like that ship
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