6 years ago
Depression has been so bad lately that i forgot to pay my rent in SL and i got my store returned 2 days ago and i just found out. Gotta find a new land, build everything times...but somehow this lifted my spirit a bit, weird uh?
latest #14
Yosser Hughes
6 years ago
Aww honey, I'm sorry to hear about that, but catharsis can be a wonderful thing
Yosser Hughes
6 years ago
start fresh, fresh new you, fresh new store. Have a grand opening
Yosser Hughes
6 years ago
let me know if I can help
CultCommander says
6 years ago
IngvonHannibal says
6 years ago
awee I'm sorry Keishii, hugs you!
just corvi
6 years ago
I deal with Depression as well, and I find if I can focus on completely revamping something it helps as well. Not always making something for an event or something, but completely overhauling my store or my home. Not sure why it helps but it does. I'm here if you ever need anything!
6 years ago
Thank you all, it means the world to me that you took time to write something. I found a new land and i like the name of the sim. But i think my neighbour didnt like my new building (this made me smirk for quiet a while hehe) new black building in the hood...sorry neighbour!!
Yosser Hughes
6 years ago
just corvi
6 years ago
I don't think my neighbours like my store either. They tried to put a big hedge up along the property line, which made me laugh considering the ground level is just their landing area and their annoying club is way up in the sky.
6 years ago
Corvi my neighbour's store is all white and minimalist, thr building i bought is very pretty but is massive near hers. Good thing is that the owner of the sim terraformed a tall wall of land between each plot but still she had to put a tall wall of rocks to cover the back of my store.
6 years ago
just corvi
6 years ago
Should have moved next to me! I'd have loved to have you for a neighbour since the annoying club let the plot next to me go and just kept the one behind me
just corvi
6 years ago
well bugger. looks like they bought again. I think they want the whole square but I'm not moving. here's my store tho! Gyazo I think it looks pretty now
6 years ago
oh thats a nice building tho
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