6 years ago
Love waking up to an IM calling me greedy for pricing my fatpacks a certain amount.
latest #57
❄ annette ❄
6 years ago
LOL how DARE you not make your fatpacks free
6 years ago
This actually really gets under skin and I don't like to complain like this on plurk, but freaking hell it's a lot of work just to put HUDs together (at least for me) not to mention all of the texturing and the modeling of items. It was a lot of texture work. I mean the full price of the fatpacks was well over 4k and I'm chargning 2300L which sure is still
6 years ago
a lot, but I guess I just don't take well to being called greedy when I really try to be fair to customers and to myself with pricing. Anyways, end of rant.
6 years ago
Just ignore them...
6 years ago
annettev: just shoooot me hahah
6 years ago
Raise the price
6 years ago
People are aholes I swear
omg why are people like this tho?
Seriously idgi. If I don't like the price of a thing, I go "ho hum" and don't buy the thing. I don't go bothering the designer saying "MAKE THIS SUIT ME BETTER, WENCH".....I can't understand the mentality for a second D:
Anyway. Your stuff is amazing quality and you change a fair price, ignore that entitled shit.
❄ annette ❄
6 years ago
you know how much your work is worth especially for all the time you put in (loads of colors/patterns PLUS more than just maitreya size, i know how much time that takes) and you still offer the fatpack at a nice discount which is more than fair. some people will call you greedy for anything
6 years ago
thanks, guys! i just wanted to vent in the moment. Most times I have fairly thick skin when it comes to negative comments, but I guess I was just a tad sensitive this morning :X
6 years ago
send them a LM to freebie galaxy
6 years ago
halogenmagic: hahah good idea
6 years ago
yeah totally sometimes are too expensive for me, and then i don't buy the thing! jeez people, leave juju alone!
6 years ago
also i own lots of TB fatpacks because i often think it's a great deal and it works out to be so much cheaper if i love the style and want it in several colors
6 years ago
your coll88 fatpacks are 888, such a good deal!
6 years ago
^^^ right?
6 years ago
People are morons. sorry you had to deal with that negative bullshit today.
6 years ago
omgwtfbarb: I mean I live for those (LOL)
6 years ago
Well this was at uber and I don't know maybe it's something to think about. I guess the norm for fatpacks is 1300L?? I'll have to do some research
6 years ago
don't undervalue your time and work. If they don't think it's worth it, they're not your target demographic.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
flounces around and pushes your pile of papers off the desk
6 years ago
Jujubean norm at uber? or in general? cos i see fatpacks at all prices
6 years ago
also if we're being particular, who came up with the term 'fatpack', lol. it's kind of weird.
6 years ago
omgwtfbarb: the norm for uber and in general since Uber isn't a discount event, it's full price. And I have no idea who coined the term Fatpack haha
6 years ago
i've seen fatpacks for way less than yours, and also way more. i don't think there's one 'norm', i think it depends on the item and also the quality, time spent on it, price per color, and amount of colors
6 years ago
price however you like. there will always be dumb people complaining, even if you give all away for free
6 years ago
I think the thing with pricing is to price it at whatever gives you the most profit. at then end of the day, that is what matters, the bottom line. your work and time are important, but if you price things based on emotions and not data, your time and work don't get you as much profit.
6 years ago
So, look at your own sales/prices, make spreadsheets or whatever you like to look at data and price it to give you the biggest profit. Your time and effort are worth the biggest profit, whatever price point that happens to be.
6 years ago
or just price it however the hell you want. It is YOURS. if someone doesnt like it, they can suck it.
6 years ago
your stuff is awesome though, and my vote is for you to make the biggest profit margin possible, whatever that price point is.
6 years ago
I will play a 50L gacha a LOT more times than I ever play 100L gachas. In the end its stupid, cause I spend way more on the 50L gacha machine, but you get the point. (LOL)
6 years ago
and by that I mean that I was stupid in that scenerio
6 years ago
I think the price is worth it. You actually are one of the few I fatpack.
6 years ago
Thanks for the talk, guys. It's something I was already on the fence about when it comes to my prices for fatpacks and I guess that's also why it stung to be called greedy. I want to be as generous as I can with customers but at the end of the day, I need to pay bills and I'm not making millions and millions of linden in SL. I'm just one girl working on this
6 years ago
brand, doing everything alone. I'm just sensitive today hahah
Jaxynn says
6 years ago
Jujubean: its easier said than done, but don't let people like that get under your skin. Its YOUR hard work and time that goes into those products. You have every right to price them as you see fit. They are not entitled to your creativity, let alone for a price that is less than what you deserve for it.
6 years ago
Just remember that these complaints come from ignorance. They have no idea what goes into the work and most don't take the time to do the math to realize just how much of a discount you're giving on fat packs. Your items are of the highest quality and very popular on the grid so this person's opinion must be of a small minority.
6 years ago
Like... these people realise that they don;t HAVE to buy a fatpack, if they don't want to spend that amount right?
Sylvia's Ghost
6 years ago
How dare you make money!
Moo Deng
6 years ago
point them in the direction of the nearest thrift shop
6 years ago
Lots of food for thought, thanks again for the encouragement and advice!
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