6 years ago
An angel dies every time someone purchases an illegally dup'd/copybotted/whatever gacha prize and wants support because it's broken
latest #9
6 years ago
6 years ago
Anelu says
6 years ago
Anelu says
6 years ago
it's really very insane someone to buy an illegal product and then ask for support lol
6 years ago
To be fair how would they know?
Anelu says
6 years ago
kittooi: yes, it is sad for those who do not know, but I believe that many people buy even knowing that it is illegal
5 years ago
yeah that's what makes the situation so much worse. people might have a suspicion that it was too good to be true, but it still says my name as the creator, etc. it's a sticky situation and i hate telling people "NO, i won't help"
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