Bebe ✨Sparkle
6 years ago
Story Time: Yesterday was me and my husbands first weekend day off together in like 5ever where we hadn't planned some days off/vacation.. (I'm going on a work trip this week and they had to give me a weekend day off) So we go out to run errands, and he asks me what I wanna go eat.. and we're both still doing Keto, and I feel like I just eat burgers errday.
latest #9
Bebe ✨Sparkle
6 years ago
So I told him I wanted chicken..but anyway. .I'm rambling.. We went to Hardees and he tells me they have this chicken club. BTW cool thing about Hardees, you can order their menu low carb and they'll lettuce wrap it for you. So I order the chicken, get it, take a bite, and I taste like straight almost like brown sugar. I stop and I'm like dude.. wtf
Bebe ✨Sparkle
6 years ago
He looks up the recipe and I'm like yo.. this is 16 carbs (we're allowed 25 a day) he's like NBD we'll just go light carb for dinner.. I'm like FINE but I'm scraping this stuff off.. well I'm going through their menu.. and I learn that they have 2 different chicken sandwhiches, and they put the wrong sauce on this one, and basically I ate a 40 carb meal..
Bebe ✨Sparkle
6 years ago
I'm like.. super stressing.. I'm upset.. like.. I've been super serious on this diet.. and we've been doing it together.. and the past 8 days I gained a pound, and I just took this really hard.
Bebe ✨Sparkle
6 years ago
He's telling me it's NBD, and let me tell you about my physically fit husband who is perfect and doesn't need to lose any weight telling me 'not to stress about it' just makes it worse tbh.
6 years ago
Bebe ✨Sparkle
6 years ago
So I went and sat in the car and tried to cool down.. and had to tell myself to brush it off because I didn't want to ruin our entire day, and he's just apologizing.. and I wasn't mad at him.. but yea. I was on the verge of tears over a chicken sandwhich and that's where I'm at with my life.
Meowasaurus Rex
6 years ago
The best part about keto, is your body is already adjusted to it so just go back to eating keto and it will adjust back almost immediately.
Meowasaurus Rex
6 years ago
I know it’s hard. I fell off for a month and gained 10lbs back. I feel like complete shit. But I’m back on today and today is a new day. You are doing incredible. One cheat meal isn’t going to ruin all of the incredible you’ve done you’re a fucking rockstar.
Bebe ✨Sparkle
6 years ago
We had our first cheat meal while in STL, but still, we only went 35 carbs over. I have a feeling this conference is going to be hard. There’s not really a ton of choice in food.
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