I know she’s strong, but I just...don’t like her....
I saved up enough quartz to do 11 10-pulls all from free quartz, but this was the only gold Servant I got. And I don’t wanna level her.
But that’s how the gacha goes sometimes! I hope I have more luck in my next pulls.
I’m not going to have a ton of quartz because of this, haha, but the next one I want to pull for is Summer Mordred and she’s one of three 4-stars so there’s a 0.5% chance, so...not holding my breath.
It’s a particular bummer because the next banner I want to pull from after summer isn’t until next year, but again: that’s how the gacha goes sometimes!
I’d had a lot of success in the beginning of the year. It was going to turn around eventually.
I liked Ibaraki, but it seems the feeling is not mutual. I have a number of Servants who came who I can continue to spoil instead.
...one of whom I guess is Kiyohime, because I got 10 Faithful Companions. One more and I’d be able to MLB two and be efficient. My god.
My apologies to anyone unsuccessfully pulling for Raikou. This probably seems hideously ungrateful. I got a 5-star! But we are irrational beings, and also I’m very tired.
Time to clear my AP and go to sleep.
Also helpful is that the guaranteed gacha is around the corner. Chances are good of someone to heal my wounded heart.
I'm sorry you didn't get ibaraki ): I hope the guaranteed gatcha is more than good to you to make up for it
To be fair, Yosie, I would have felt the same way
I don't like Raikou's design at all....
She'd probably be a burn for me, tbh...
Me, a mad woman, would burn Raikou before Stheno
I woke up this morning hoping things would be different somehow 8(
I’m sorry that iba-chan got lost on her way home!! I have faith she’ll get there in time but ugh your luck last night was just the pits
Mo-san!! Don’t lose your way!!!
I was so worried about this upcoming gacha, thinking what ifs and remembering how easy it is for the gacha to turn on you. I checked last night and this result was an 18% chance.
Last night, I didn’t feel particularly bad about it, which I thought could have been just being too tired to feel feelings, but I’m still remarkably at peace this morning.
Which is good, given how off the deep end I went for Drake.
I think it’s basically...I’m thinking of it in terms of the game conceit. “I guess Ibaraki doesn’t want to come to my Chaldea right now.” And I’m surprised by how okay with that I am, given that I came to really like Ibaraki in the Rashoumon event.
I think I’m doing better with the idea of “she’s in the gacha, she’ll come home eventually.”
I’m going to likely throw a few more tickets at the banner, but I’m just turning my attention to the future.
...now if the guaranteed gacha gives me something I’m less thrilled about and I only get Anne & Mary from the summer box, I might be feeling less happy, but for right now, I’m deciding to focus on the Servants who did come to me. These mats can go to their skills.
Thanks everyone for your sympathy. Despite all this, it is still a bit of a disappointment and I am glad for the sympathy.
Kyio: I hope it is! The Cavalry box is pretty good for me. I have two repeats and I’m not super enthused by Cu Alter despite his strength, but I’d be happy with anyone else. No Orion-like Servant in there to be “please don’t get her please don’t get her OH NO -“
Battymynameis: The thought of burning her has certainly crossed my mind. I don’t like either her visual design or what I’ve seen in the fandom of her character design. What I’ve seen from her summoning quotes and her current story quotes seem innocuous enough and I might have thought, “well, maybe I can live with her base form if her personality is good,”
but I’ve seen the comics and the jokes and I’ve been like DON’T TRY TO FOOL ME I KNOW YOUR SECRETS!!!
relares: I did use one last ticket after everyone logged off. I hoped to have the funny story when everyone woke up about Ibaraki coming after everyone else was gone, but alas.
I am feeling like “if Ibaraki wants to come to me, she’ll find her way eventually,” so I am at peace with it...but please don’t push it, Mo-san. Just come home, Mo-san who is just having a good time.
...I used another ticket and while it’s not the person I was looking for:
Does it sting a little that I got a 4-star and rate-up failed me? Yeah. But Helena chose to come to me in a low hour and I think that will be a good start to coming to love her.
man, Raikou is why I'm not drawing at all...
I knew there was the risk. But it’s like “surely I’ll get the 4-star before the 5-star.” The gacha is cruel.
You’ll have to tell me how she feels!
I pulled her too a while back and haven’t had the time/inclination to grind her exp out.
Desire sensor is........ very real in this game
Will do! I might end up leveling her more slowly, as I was thinking that there was something to those early days of FGO where I didn’t just instantly max-ascend everyone, but I will be working towards it and I might break and just grab all the ALL EXP.
And it’s too real sometimes.
Ooh, at skill level 10 she could turn a team of Kaleidoscopes into a turn one triple NP. My farming is about to get amazing.
Ah. I’m matlocked until some event rewards, though. I guess I’m going slow raising her whether I want to or not.
that is fair. I do want banana.
Maybe I will do a pull, I have months before I want to draw again
Remember my tale when considering whether to do so....
I mean, technically speaking, the pulls weren’t the worst. I’m loaded with event CEs. But I’d rather have Ibaraki and have to spend apples.
I got CEs. I'm happy with this
Yeah, they'll be quite helpful, I imagine! And the CEs don't seem too bad, either.
For outside the event, I mean.
what kind of fucking magic is the desire sensor I had made my peace with not getting her and then SUDDENLY I just felt like using a ticket. I almost didn't.
I'M SO HAPPY sorry kintoki rider thanks to raising Helena as a way of making myself feel better I no longer will have the experience to finish you up. I'll get to you eventually.