also im about to hit some SUPER OLD tags, please feel free to ignore them if you like
rude, psi
Me watching all this supervisor drama like
he realizes its rude, but he also thinks it needs to be said. sorry rita : (
I'm probably gonna tag this way later with Carly but g OD (the post not the thread jgkfdhg)
Sorry about Peridot stanning for her horrible friends all the time,
lol its so good you have no idea
so the ringmaster just kicked psi out of the carnival without letting him say goodbye. heads up to
omixgirl10 trilies
technically psi kicked himself out and she just refused to give him time to dilly dally
technically he said he would resign if torture was okay
he unfortunately started off the conversation with threatening to leave if she didn't fire Lambert, and she wasn't having it.
he never actually said that
He definitely implied it....
I mean, if he did it wasn't intentional ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and then said that leaving Lambert was basically the same as allowing torture
so it 100% added up to that
yeah he definitely said that!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he doesnt like torture and he doesnt want to belong to a group where torture is allowed so it was the only ic conclusion unfortunately
if only carly knew this was happening
she could chase him down and yank his ear-
: ( he knows she didnt but shes not doing anything to stop it happening again
this escalated quickly
That's what u think Psi
u don't gotta fire someone to make 'm Stop Thing
you gotta at least like. add it to the rules though xD
i dunno maybe
quixocalypse would let carly intercede or something ?
it's really arrogant of him to assume firing Lambert was the only way to forbid that behavior
lol........ he never said that.....
or that she had no intention of doing anything about it
i mean..... thats what he.... was trying to ask....
he never said a lot of things but he heavily implied them and never recanted
never recanted on something he didn't say?
I mean either way that's how it was received
and he had really boned himself from that first message given the context
but if you want someone to middle man I'm totally fine with that
he's still hella demoted but she didn't actually tell him to leave, just that if he was going to leave he couldn't linger
lol he's demoted even if he stays?
and she would ultimately rather he stayed. she's just not willing to tolerate that from a supervisor right now.
he'd def just leave than even if carly interceded
but if he doesn't have to leave immediately he will say good bye to people first
I mean that's fair if it's what he would do. I just mean I'm open to plotting stuff if you want to give him a chance to not go
at most he'll have like fifteen minutes to a half hour atm
yeah i mean. unless she said why she was demoting him i guess?
if he wants to ask he can and she'll tell him
i mean she asked "are you trying to make this a him or you think" and he said
"no" but i understand she may not have interpreted it that way
or if someone can convince him in that time to ask
okay he would def ask. and im curious too
yeah she interpreted him as yes
like as far as she knows she already told him but she would say it again because like. this honestly isn't her ideal. she's just really stressed and emotional right now.
so the reason is her misinterpreting him
so if he tried to explain that he'd still be demoted?
> starts heading out
> is dragged back by the Angriest Wardrobe Manager
awkward, for sure,
it depends on what he says but there's actually an aspect of that I should discuss with you privately
KK i cant discord at work so you can pp me or email me if you need an answer now
or i can respond on discord when work is through. your choice
I'm traveling so I'll do it when I'm home
Just lmk when I'm needed, If I'm needed
Psi why r u so bad at everything?
oh yeah also
kiffle i do not want lambert to lose his job. i figured that was clear but since psi is being an ass
he just randomly said lambert should resign to try and needle him.
so i hope you didnt feel like i was trying to bully you or anything
NO NO i totally get it from an ic perspective LMFAO i'm just sorry he's being such an ass back
it's honestly totally reasonable to ask why he HASN'T lost his job he literally asked syr first thing when he woke up 'am i still the nightrider' LMFAO
lol oh no i need to read that thread
NEEDLING SUCCESSFUL ANYWAY lambert's just doubling down bc he thought about resigning, decided not to for Reasons, so now he like, feels extra obligated to defend himself
honestly he's worried bc a good chunk of the carnival aren't fighters so it's like
i can't make a man out of u
psi is touching on some of his real anxieties, he's just obviously not gonna SHOW WEAKNESS to psi bc he feels like he doesn't owe him anything
yeah and i mean he doesn't
psi just wants to see if lambert actually like regrets his actions. but he also knows lambert isnt the kind of person to be like "yeah i fucked up everyone, sorry"
also hes mad and he is passive aggressive as fuck so
he regrets mostly that he didn't do it better
'damn, mind reading would have been so much more effective, why didn't i think about that'
and then theres carly
'this is too serious Time to Joke'
Carly: ...............
its a defense mechanism, shut up!!!
ur defense mechanism earned extra dumb t-shirts
that he'll apparently wear