6 years ago
latest #54
6 years ago
No really, give me your opinion on this.
Mouldy Apple
6 years ago
Not really! It's not the focus and it's so normalised it's kind of hard TO focus on it ICly sometimes.
6 years ago
yeah thats kind of how i feel
6 years ago
also its so flexible what you can change
6 years ago
but im curious if anyone feels differently
Not by design, since most required changes are very mild and chosen by the player.
6 years ago
seconding what raile said tbh; i'd say no
Players who want to go for extras, like the event optionals, can do so and change the characters more. And players can choose to do changes that upset the characters.
But that's on the player.
6 years ago
No, because there's not really any horror part of the body horror
6 years ago
okay im glad im not alone here
6 years ago
i nearly did a spit take when someone called it body horror a moment ago and then i was like WELL MAYBE????
Transformation can be inherently horrifying, but the game's tone doesn't favor that. The magic causing the changes is supposed to mostly cause things the characters can be okay with.
all the butts
6 years ago
to some characters i guess it COULD be?
all the butts
6 years ago
but as a player no, the game doesn't have that same feel, even if some characters could take it that way
Yeah. Can be, isn't intended to be, it's the player's choice if it goes there.
6 years ago
most characters do have "shit i grew ears" moments though
6 years ago
but since the changes can be light... i havent seen anyone push it to horror territory
6 years ago
NAH more a Body Alarm game -finger guns-
6 years ago
6 years ago
can we add that to the tagline for the game officially quixocalypse
Am I right in thinking this was a doubletake at a EMP comment that grouped it with Ryslig?
6 years ago
damn i really want to make that my username now....
6 years ago
lmao putting lc on the same level as ryslig is.... Something
I know I doubletaked at it, they're different enough sorts of transformation games to make an odd pair.
6 years ago
i feel like it initially was going to have that as a theme but it didn't really end up becoming a part of it in any real capacity
Murder arson and jaywalking
some events have stuff that is a bit body horror like I guess
but overall yeah, ultimately it's set up to make the changes relatively comfortable
as opposed to ryslig which is all limbs exploding out of places
Yeah. There's elements of transformation both ways, which itself can be horrifying. Ryslig between the people-eating and kinds of changes tends to be worse.
6 years ago
swirl it WAS at that EMP comment. of course if the player doesnt want any transformation or their characters would just not like it at all no judgement there. but just SEEING lostcarnival next to ryslig there i was like
6 years ago
BWUH ??????
6 years ago
its even against the rules for the transformation to be painful.
6 years ago
i mean i definitely had psi emitting slime before he grew arms but that was just because i thought it would be hilarious and he doesn't give a shit
6 years ago
Laughs yeah as someone in Both Games, Very different tfs
duck bastard
6 years ago
Yeah, if it's body-horrorish, it's because a character chose to go that route, so I feel like it's very different. It's why I always sell it very much as "non horror transformation" when friends ask about games to join and I rec LC
duck bastard
6 years ago
I mean, I literally just had Joker grow an entirely new limb and it was in the gayest, dumbest, rainbow-est way, and there was zero horror, lmao, so
Yeah uhhhh body horror is not what I would classify this as lmao
6 years ago
Wait, it’s against the rules?
6 years ago
I remember seeing someone on plurk saying they’re not supposed to be painful, but I couldn’t find anything about it on the info pages
it's how they are described on the transformations page
or at least I thought it was
or maybe it was just answered as a question a lot
but anyway it's not like there is a rule against it being painful it's just never been described to be
mostly because I didn't want people to be in agony from changes and to blame the Ringmaster for it.
6 years ago
6 years ago
YEAH I think for it to be body horror it'd need the horror aspect, where the changes are regularly painful, unsettling, and disturbing for the characters.
6 years ago
And while they get weird the tone of the transformation is more surprise and acceptance
6 years ago
I guess if someone had a major squick for body tranformation but like, as a genre, nah.
6 years ago
lol I like "body alarm".
6 years ago
whenever I say it I just think of Yuzu's reaction to her changes

she just woke up looked in the mirror and then screamed
6 years ago
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