PS Hi plurk <3 I've been busy as fuck
PPS I'm still at celesticidal over there if you want back on the boat lmao
how are you and your lady doing?????
VERY NICE we were talking about what we wanted to do for our first wedding anniversary in july
oh my god yay :3 I hope you get to do something really cute!
I'm good. Still working two jobs ... I went wild and started a porch garden again in the hopes that maybe this time it'll take off!
Good to be heard from! I feel bad for falling off the face of plurk but communication is rough these days
ooooh what are you planting?? ash is planting in a community plot for the second year in a row - we're doing onions, zucchini, lettuce, tomatoes, something something... oh potatoes in pots!!
I've got three tomatoes, a cucumber, a lemon balm, jalapenos, green onions and cilantro
it's hard not to go crazy and get more
ayyyy pathy!!! happy birthday darling!!
it's addictive it's true - OH we're doing tomatillos too
neat! there was a buy 2 get either 1 chadwick cherry or 2 tomatillo sale at the nursery ... I almost went with tomatillos but realized the chances of me actually using them were quite slim
if I can't eat shit right off the vine ... it's not going to happen, probably lmao
I spent a bunch of time day before yesterday building self-watering wicking planters out of buckets and storage totes, i felt so accomplished??
I'll have chives as soon as my MIL brings me some from her garden
ash got a herbset to plant for teas too... it's a good time of year
i'm thinking of getting some lemongrass and lemon verbena too ... I don't know what it is with lemon plants but I'm in love with them all
we have a lemon tree we're investing in, i don't blame you
and that an avocado plant
i'm happy you're really into it!! and i hope everything prospers waaah
I would love to grow a lemon but I think it'd have to be an indoor thing here
I'M ALSO SUPER TEMPTED TO TRY THE AVOCADO THING but again ... indoor, and I'm a bit worried about my nibbly cats lmfao
yeah we have them in pots that live on our apartment floor's landing and then on our front porch now that it's warm
there is nowhere not near the kitties D:
Whoopsies, but also hiiiiii, Miri!
poutinerie just think of it as you making it through another year fighting like a boss
I'm gonna be living with kitties again myself in about a month.
And I'm gonna finally be able to grow stuff too.
oh my gosh I'm so excited for you on both fronts, jackie!?
haha my growing guru is actually a puerto rican lady who lived most of her life in austin
If she's got advice you want to pass on I'd welcome it. I haven't grown anything out here before.
so far the one thing she's been most adamant is every morning, go pull your tomato leaves out of their cages. let them know who's boss lmfao
I will teach my tomatoes who is in charge.
lmfkdkxkfl fighting maybe boss probably not
you're an absolute boss pathychu, don't you ever forget it >(
puppy has become a doggo?? he's still my ridiculous son