6 years ago
[ RP ] Suggest games to me guys, I'm feeling an itch to play Oisin and I've got enough characters playing with Pokeymans
latest #23
6 years ago
I'm leaning towards Melodies of Eternity right now just based on the info pages I've seen. Lycole / AllintheBones - I know it's fairly new but I also know you guys are there, what's the atmosphere like?
Very welcoming! Everyone is super chill and friendly~
3D Printed XIII
6 years ago
6 years ago
That's encouraging! And are people cool with OCs? (I always do get a bit nervous about shoving my OCs into games)
From what I've seen yes!
OCs, AUs - everyone is cool about all of it!
6 years ago
Next app round is May 31st, so that's lots of time to get it together. (oh man Oisin could live / would want to live in one of the water/underwater cities
duck bastard
6 years ago
I'm in The Far Shore and Lost Carnival, both which accept OCs
duck bastard
6 years ago
if you aren't already settled on Melodies ha ha
6 years ago
trilies Lost Carnival was kinda interesting last I checked but it had the whole 'you're roped into this whether you like it or not' angle that would make Oisin dig his heels in and be very stubborn and unco-operative :x but I don't know anything about the Far Shore
duck bastard
6 years ago
That's actually recently changed ICly! The Ringmaster NPC went "the deal now isn't equal considering recent dangers, I won't trick people anymore"
6 years ago
oh! So how does it go down now?
duck bastard
6 years ago
it literally changed... just this month, ha ha
duck bastard
6 years ago
So if you want to check it out again, there's that to consider!
Oh man I didn't realize that aspect of the Carnival had changed.
duck bastard
6 years ago
as for The Far Shore, it's a bit of a large game, but with the kind of chill atmosphere that doesn't make it seem so big. Can be a bit Slice of Life, can be more plot-focused, events try to bar varied and it can really go with whatever direction you want your character to go in.
duck bastard
6 years ago
I have three (well, now four, but I just apped him) characters and they're all having very different experiences so far
6 years ago
I would need to take a look. I don't want Oisin to be too belligerent, although he will be pissed about being separated from his kid so he's best suited for a game that presents him with a goal/purpose or at least gives a reason for 'this is why you're here'
duck bastard
6 years ago
Fairly easy AC, based on a series called Noragami but doesn't require you to be familiar with the canon.
duck bastard
6 years ago
Basically, characters enter as either a god or shinki, both which are required to make a team up which has the shinki turning into an item/weapon/animal which enables them to destroy supernatural monsters
duck bastard
6 years ago
Gods arrive as is, with a new power for themself along with any old ones, and a temple on the spiritual realm.
6 years ago
but, what happens if characters don't mesh/someone drops from a partnership? :la
duck bastard
6 years ago
Shinki are technically dead, and can't remember anything of their old/living life, and turn into horrible monsters if they're forcefully told
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