6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Oh my god I just got home from London and a girl from my high school was on the train and we recognised each other
latest #7
6 years ago
Our little sisters were best friends and while we weren't, I always thought she was perfectly lovely. Anyway, we twigged each other and chatted, just about why we were in London, how the families were and all that. She didn't mention me being trans or anything
6 years ago
I got home and my little sister is grinning saying she got a message from her bestie (they're still friends to this day) saying she and her folks had bumped into me. Turns out Pip had talked to her about me being trans and evidently her sister had overheard stuff too. But then Pip says that they'd talked about how much more confident I was nowadays
6 years ago
It's so weird we were in the same carriage on the way back but it was only when we were hovering by the doors that we actually looked at each other and went 'wait a minute'
6 years ago
that was just... really really nice and lovely. and both my friends in London and my mum said it looks like I've lost weight, so it's been a Very Lovely Day for me
6 years ago
Woo! =D
That's mah BOIH
6 years ago
how about no
6 years ago
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