Grandma wants to sell it all but we have no idea where...
anyone feel like building a house?
Permission to replurk? Also general location?
we have a reclamation place near us that takes old wood, windows, doors and stuff like that, maybe see if you do?
they might only take as donations but at least you'd be rid of it
Alternately, got a fireplace? It's still cold, you can save on electric bills.
Oh hell no. I wouldn't let her just give it away. It's good wood o.O theres thousands and thousands of dollars in that wood thank you.
Thats the problem really. theres so much and it's too good to just give away otherwise she likely would.
Yeah, don't burn it then.
Can I replurk your plurk?
Put it up on craiglist/kijiji? Some DIYers might need it for themselves?
and you can discuss price with them?
you can sell anything on there right?
Ok. I just usually try to ask permission.
Grandma's half paranoid about it. I wanna see about selling it online but she's just so worried about it going to untrustworthy folks
Thank you I'll look that over
His shop is basically a small warehouse so it's like a little overwhelming thinking about it.
Good hardwoods mostly I think. Oak and cherry and some beautiful ceder. Lots of stuff like walnut and goodness just thinking about it it's really hard to tell whats all there. It's like 20 years of build up @.@
He did lots of work in both Houses and furniture.
about a year before he got sick he'd done work in a bar the floor and the bar it's self I think.
what's your general location? my granddad does woodworking and might be interested in some of that oak and walnut but he can't really travel out of mississippi these days
ah, gotcha. good luck finding a buyer!
Yeah thats half the issue too XD I think she'd feel better about selling to little places but well... Getting the wood out of state is er...
i would try google. people sell lumber and stuff like that on their all the time'