Neu Wulfenstadt
6 years ago
Next Poetry Slam! suggested topic is "the Sea". Get your sea legs worthy and your land lubber spirits together and join us at Der Hut des Jaeger in Rosehaven, Absinthe on Tuesday, 17 April, 5-7pm SLT. Hosted by HathorMaat + Emilin Nakamori. Voice or text. Second Life Maps | Rosehaven Absinthe
latest #6
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
thinks y'all should walk down to the wharf and sit in rowboats for this one.
Tanarian says
6 years ago
Or flood the tavern.
6 years ago
:-D I have the day off for appointments, I might manage to get there. I always enjoy the poetry slams. :-D
6 years ago
GarlicMyfi: And it's early enough for you, too!
Neu Wulfenstadt
6 years ago
We could always sneak up the hill to The Sekrit's watery...and a little bird told me the fishing hole and spillover into the sea is restocked with fishies...
Tanarian thinks
6 years ago
those are called "waterfalls", maybe?
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