Miss Alexandra
6 years ago
Why must you punish me for being an anti-social twit, Plurk?
latest #8
Bramble Borne.
6 years ago
It's okay. Everyone but plurk loves you.
Allegory says
6 years ago
plurk is a demanding beast!
Chav says
6 years ago
it is mean
Miss Alexandra
6 years ago
Allegory: Man, it is. So damned needy, I'm telling you. I'm mean, I'm sure I could use a good ass kicking to get out sometimes, but they don't have to guilt me like that! Hahah.
Miss Alexandra
6 years ago
chavbish: It's a serious bully, I'm telling you.
Allegory says
6 years ago
DevereauBeauregard: i struggled my way up to some karma and then said fuck it, went on plurk vacation and froze, best choice i made.
Miss Alexandra
6 years ago
Allegory: Most things are much nicer once you're not worrying about the little things. I swear it gnaws at you a little bit, though. Haha!
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