[D'n'D] " What is it with you guys and papooses?"
latest #13
"Okay, I'm unconscious. It took six hits of the platinum toilet seat."
"After all of this, someone needs to invest in a sleep spell."
"Shrubby, go jump in his face and wake him up. So the bush is...on his face ......I just realized how that sounds and I am so so sorry.
"Parker is Scrooge McDucking after seeing how much diamond ya'll actually stole."
"I have a terrible habit of making my players ridiculously rich."
"It's a wonderful habit!"
"Bucky is my friend, not a ride."
reads out the Dagger of Venom description while I'm bidding for it in an auction
I'm gonna murder ALL THE THINGS
"Things I've had to do this session: Learn diamonds, run an auction."
"Proportions it could fit any of you-"
"We have a halfing and a dragonborn. What is it? Sisterhood of the Traveling Chainmail?"
"You know what? Why am I rolling these dice? I have other people to roll."
"I only have 8 intelligence, I am dinner than the sentient shrub."
"It has the head of a deer, but the teeth of a predator and a large wingspan."
"The fuck is that even?!"
"You could always drink the seagull's blood."
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