any way I took 2 more ibuprofen bc my temp is now almost 103
I'm setting alarms to check it every 4 hours bc if it hits 104 I have to go to the hospital
my poor body is tying so hard to burn out this virus. you're doing amazing sweetie
but . please chill . a little
Oh shit, please be careful, D:
if you're feeling good at one of the times you wake yourself up and think "nah, I won't check my temperature" don't listen
that's the 104 degree devil
I'm so glad- don't burn the Fern, that's not good.
at 8 am it went to 100.1, just took it again and it's at 99.1
ugh my side of the bed is damp with sweat though
Aw, no... I hope it goes back down again.
hey, I'll take low grade any day
I've decided to call my GP tomorrow and if they don't respond I'll make a centracare appt