6 years ago
[GBF] I'm set up to do rerolls. Who should I be looking for?
latest #20
6 years ago
I mean other than the exit button
6 years ago
Early game SSR Yodarha is stupidly strong. You can't rely on him as a crutch as much the deeper into content you get. But even then I still use him daily.
6 years ago
Important distinction: he has a weak R version.
6 years ago
Should I be spending rupies on draws?
6 years ago
not for rerolling purposes no
6 years ago
Rupie draws are mainly for fodder
6 years ago
Korwa is probably another strong contender, and she ages into later content more gracefully I think. I still don't have her
6 years ago
Honestly though there are a lot of strong characters you could draw, especially during premium gala
6 years ago
Yo PerfectSquare get in here
6 years ago
cool. first run finished then. Imgur Seems average probably?
6 years ago
though doing that the first time thr took a lot longer than I thought it would and now I'm wondering how many times I want to do it
6 years ago
hm, apparently they've caught on to the whole salted emaddresses thing
6 years ago
oh well, guess I'll just use this account
6 years ago
If you can roll as often as possible while the premium gala is up. Otherwise, roll your freebie rolls for the day and save 30000 to roll for a specific character if they are on a banner because you get sparks every time you premium roll. Basically, 300 sparks = character of choice from banner
6 years ago
But since we are just startin out, roll when you feel you should roll. You can save your free rolls until 7pm jst for new banner when it comes out if you prefer that over the current banner. News will often be out before then.
I think that's Silva in there? She's really good but I don't have her yet.
6 years ago
yeah, Silva is a fine beginner's pull
6 years ago
pretty much anyone with a 5th star is
Silva's great. Just shoots huge holes and things and will be good for the entire game. Not much utility though.
For rerolls, I'd be looking for any Swimsuit SSR - those are limited, so right now is one fo the only times you can get them.
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