6 years ago
Anyone with photoshop or applier experience want a quick gig? I made some appliers for Maitreya and need them nudged around a bit for Hourglass and Belleza versions. I'm running around doing a bunch of other stuff for this update, so some help (paid of course!) would be really nice!!
latest #7
6 years ago
It's stockings for this set https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4768/40164912391_4ceb64e52d_b.jpg and here are the kinds of things that need to be fixed: https://i.imgur.com/uSgY0hq.png https://i.imgur.com/1ibxogf.png There are 4 colors (black, white, sheer black, sheer white), needed for HG and Freya :-D
6 years ago
Send me an IM or NC if you're interested!!
6 years ago
oh, this is what it should look like btw! maitreya: https://i.imgur.com/RwlYfQL.png
6 years ago
Meh I'm always trying to find ways to optimize time as efficiently as possible, since time is my limiting factor-- most things I have to do myself, but not this. A lot of people on SL are looking to make some money, so it's a win-win when it's something that most anyone with a bit of patience can do :-)
6 years ago
i'll send you an NC:-)
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