( riverview / chatter while i do my app )
latest #98
it took way too long to think of this failure's strengths
just lists 'none, he's pm just a big goth dweeb'
babe help me not also app roxy
the oc i was talking about earlier
i mean yeah obviously first but like
she'd be more fun than theo because magic
also roxy is nosey af so that's easy cr
anyway back to goth big bird
no he's goth little bird
hc: tokoyami too is an aspect of the raven queen
☆ ʙeαɴɪe ʙαʙʏ gives
6 years ago
him a plastic scythe with a little 'reaper in training' sign on it
you're so welcome
also just leaving it here that i've seen the hc that in his life krav was a sacrifice to the raven queen and ended up in her service that way. most people figure he appears what, mid-30s? when was the last time you heard of a human sacrifice who didn't need to be a virgin
once a loser always a loser
i don't hc that myself but
god, i keep getting intimidated by exactly how much of this guy is headcanon
he definitely has enough canon for a solid personality and all but we have like no history
... actually no because you know pretty much what was going on for the vast majority of his life, unless this boring ass human was somehow older than 100 when he joined the ipre mission
i don't even know what race this guy is
claws face
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i wouldnt stress too much m'dude, our apps are p chill
yeah it's probably fine
i'm just like
the hcs i have
the things i actually know
stacy fakename
6 years ago
personality is way more important than history anyway imo
6 years ago
+1 on that, it's all about being true to the character voice there's plenty of characters out there with lots of personality and not so much history
stacy fakename
6 years ago
as long as you're not pulling like wild shit outta ur ass its probably fine
stacy fakename
6 years ago
im pretty into the headcanon of kravitz being a sacrifice and RQ taking him in
see i like it but i dunno, because yeah he said it was a difficult decision but it still kind of felt to me like something he had a little more agency in than that? idk
anyway cheers guys i get caught up in details sometimes oops, it's all good all fine...
stacy fakename
6 years ago
o thats tru
i tend to lean toward his having been a follower of hers in life, which i think ties in with how some people hc him as being half-drow which i'm relatively into, and like she chose him on purpose but he still had the option not to do it
stacy fakename
6 years ago
oh yeah i meant to ask what you go for with his race, ive been vague about it in game bc i didnt wanna lock anyone in lol
six to one
6 years ago
+1 ive made up a million things for lucretia! you're good
yeah tend to go half-drow, i feel like it fits c:
also on the topic of hcs, i mentioned on the taz discord that yeah the cockney accent is fake but he still acts like a british guy, and someone suggested that maybe he's still fantasy british but because he's so damn old he doesn't sound it because of linguistic nostalgia. and i wish that was a more popular hc because it's amazing
stacy fakename
6 years ago
hahah oh man that would've been fun to play with when rin was still around bc he was a good drow boy
okay i'm basically done with the app, just gotta finish relistening to ck and add anything i forgot, hooray
stacy fakename
6 years ago
stacy fakename
6 years ago
im so hype
stacy fakename
6 years ago
do we wanna plan intro things
yes good hello, this sure is going to be something lmao
stacy fakename
6 years ago
its sure gonna be a thing
stacy fakename
6 years ago
would krav try to look them up on the devices?
hm, eventually yeah
stacy fakename
6 years ago
cause im down with either an accidental run in or krav actually searching them out
ooh yeah i like the idea of krav finding them on purpose this time. i mean it is the first thing he thought to do last time he was stuck somewhere
stacy fakename
6 years ago
taako, realizing its kravitz calling: https://imgs.plurk.com/QuT/PlN/BVbsMfWXZ6rHD0cNOcLEufssMeh_lg.gif
lmfao as if he gets a colder reception now than the time he was actively trying to murder the guy
stacy fakename
6 years ago
murder is fine but making him deal with feelings is a real crime
stacy fakename
6 years ago
but no taako would......... answer the phone
he's not doing it on purpose!
man he's gonna be so confused
stacy fakename
6 years ago
taako will try to explain it as best he can
stacy fakename
6 years ago
for ur consideration: kravitz calls as taako is on his way home from a rave at like 8am after spending all night out. just for max awkwardness
oh lord
i'm into it
stacy fakename
6 years ago
taako hungover, covered in powder, wearing a sheer dress just like "well this couldnt get weirder"
freeze frame, voiceover "yeah that's me, you're probably wondering how i got here"
stacy fakename
6 years ago
stacy fakename
6 years ago
https://i.imgur.com/ge9t4vq.gif pictured: taako
LMAO his life man, seriously
stacy fakename
6 years ago
he needs a nap
you'd think he'd earned a break by now and yet
stacy fakename
6 years ago
he gets his break after this
stacy fakename
6 years ago
ill be nice to him
yes good
stacy fakename
6 years ago
the kravitz situation will be a bit awkward but i wont toss anything mean at him
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i need a break lol
yeah i feel that
stacy fakename
6 years ago
drama is very good but im not into pushing a character past breaking point in a SoL game
yeah definitely, like i love to Suffer as much as the next guy but like, gotta have the healing or you just end up with a mass of limbs and despair that used to be your lovely internet barbie
stacy fakename
6 years ago
that can also be fun in the right environment but riverview isnt a horror game
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