6 years ago
Hey all. I figured some of you would be interested in an update.
latest #28
6 years ago
I went through some more rough patches and had to think about a lot of things.
6 years ago
I realized that even the tiny amount of social media I was using was devouring my time and keeping me from looking after myself, so I had to pull out.
6 years ago
It's only now that I look back on my timeline and realize I didn't let anyone know at the time.
6 years ago
Sorry if I worried anyone.
6 years ago
As for what I've been up to:
6 years ago
I'm not constantly depressed anymore. I still have the occasional slump, but it doesn't last for more than a day or two.
6 years ago
I have a full-time job now that's in a way better place than I was working at before.
6 years ago
(I'll be working this afternoon and evening so responses may be delayed in a few hours.)
6 years ago
I've been designing a board game and running some playtests in my local area. It's progressing fairly well.
6 years ago
I've been thinking about RP a lot lately. Right now I'm not particularly excited about playing any particular characters anywhere, but I keep having ideas for RP settings.
6 years ago
If I did come back to RP, I'd probably try to run a game and its NPCs rather than play anyone. There are RPG concepts that I'd be interested in experimenting with.
6 years ago
Free time is definitely a factor now so I don't know how realistic that would be. The RP setting ideas are just accumulating in a text file right now.
6 years ago
I think those are all the major things that have been happening with me in the past few months.
6 years ago
How are all of you doing?
6 years ago
What have you been up to?
6 years ago
What does the RP world look like in 2018?
6 years ago
yo! glad to see you, I'm glad things are going better
6 years ago
It's crazy and looking promising. Glad to hear things are on the upswing
6 years ago
yinza: Glad to see you too. I'm also glad that things are going better.
6 years ago
tseutsumi: Glad to see you. What makes it crazy and promising?
6 years ago
New games and psls. I'm currently looking for a game for an AU character of mine
6 years ago
i'm so glad things are going so well for you!!!
Guardian Bear J
6 years ago
Guardian Bear J was
6 years ago
wondering what happened to you! Glad things are improving.
6 years ago
nidorina: Thanks!
6 years ago
jchaos: /wavewave I'm glad too. I wouldn't say I'm where I want to be, but it's a major improvement overall.
duck bastard
6 years ago
I'm about to go to work and also glad things are going well for you! Which is all I can say right now since I Should be getting dressed lmao
6 years ago
trilies: Thanks. Have a good time at work.
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