6 years ago
6 years ago
"For some black activists who have long been mobilizing(動員) around gun violence, the current wave of public attention and outrage over the issue is welcome."
6 years ago
"But it also invites the question of why there’s been comparatively little attention and outrage focused on the even more common reality of routine gun homicides in the country, which disproportionately(不均勻) affect communities of color, and specifically black Americans. "
6 years ago
“The way people are responding to predominantly white communities is notable: Whose movement is more valuable to support?” he added. “Other communities that have been devastated by gun violence are still fighting for crumbs(麵包屑).”
6 years ago
“What happens is white people get to be everything ― they get to be victims, they get to be heroes,” Cullors said on the Wednesday panel.
6 years ago
“Black people unfortunately continue to be criminalized for our moments of courage, mourning or grieving. When we go out to the streets to protest for our lives that matter, we’re given heavy police repression. This is a race question.”