Sonya Marmurek shares
6 years ago
This comic amused me so much that I had to look up this pacifist viking:
Rasmussen - Higher Ground | Dansk Melodi Grand Prix ...
latest #7
Sonya Marmurek
6 years ago
Comic of course from wonderful Scandinavia and the World - Suspicious
Sonya Marmurek
6 years ago
We're apparently sending Saara Aalto, but they haven't decided on her song yet. Much less exciting than pacifist viking.
6 years ago
oh i like Thorin a lot
Alia Baroque
6 years ago
gold and monks*laughs
Alia Baroque
6 years ago
the song is dreadful, am sure it will win
6 years ago
As an Englishman I can agree we always do appalingly and that's not likely to change. And being half Danish, I can also agree with Alia. That song is terrible, Denmark have it in the bag this year hahaha
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