6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
【限交/with. Elgon505
In a huge shopping mall located near Akase Gaken, crowds of people were hanging out in a holiday mood, which was actually very reasonable in such a bright Sunday afternoon.
latest #23
As part of the crowd, Ruu was also walking around inside the mall, though he had no intention for any consumption, until something eye-catching had drawn his attention.
It was the hair of a passenger with sharp black and white colour dyed, and also an accessory which looked similar to a bat's wing. He seemed to be wearing school uniform from Akase Gaken. With curiosity raised, Ruu walked towards the passenger to have a clearer view.
SeagullRuu: The small boy was looking around as he suddenly felt Ruu pressence
SeagullRuu: he turned to him and looked up
Ruu noticed that his action was discovered. Nevertheless, there is no reason for him to turn back or leave. Without escaping from the boy's sight, Ruu continued with his observation, and gave out an indifferent smile.
SeagullRuu: "huh?" did he just dispear? he thought to himself as uneasy as he was he headed to the next store
as he tried to head to the next store he walked into a tall guy
Difference among their height seems even more significant when Mikane bumped into Ruu.
"...Mind your steps," he replied without any emotion. He took a look on Mikane's uniform again.
"You are from Akase?"
SeagullRuu: " i am sorry"he said and backed away

"uhm yes i am you too with that uniform"
"...Yea, though you looked more interesting with that hairstyle."
Maybe it is for better performance as an idol? Ruu thought about that for a moment.
SeagullRuu: " well i dried it red since everyone always calls me a vampire cause of my eyes skin and hair"he replied calmly
he is so tall he thought
"Hmm? Then seems you do care about other people's opinion quite a lot?"
Ruu was quite free in this afternoon, so he decided to just stay here for a while to have a chat with this boy.
SeagullRuu: '"uhm well abit but after i painting my hair i dont care that much anymore"he replied abit nervously
″That's great. What's your name?″ Ruu just recalled that he also had a stripe of hair highlighted to black, similar to Mikane.
SeagullRuu: "uhm its Mikane Akira "he replied fastly as he watched the tall guy
"Got it."
As Ruu was not asked for his name, he is not going to tell it voluntarily.
"Anywhere to go? If not, then see you later."
SeagullRuu: he took hold of Ruu sleeve "ccould you shop abit with me i am no good with places with lots of people alone"
"Hmm? You don't seem like to be that weak."
However he did not reject. Staring at Mikane's hand, he started to follow his pace and continued to ask on the way.
"Where to go, and what to buy?"
SeagullRuu: "some vampire movies and..."he remain silence for abit

"and bat plushies "
"Yeah sure."
Ruu was not aware of Mikane's red cheeks. If the movie bought later looks interesting, maybe it worths to be stolen and watch, Ruu thought.
SeagullRuu: mikane was worried Ruu maybe find him girly cause of the plushie thing

they got to the store as Mikane eyes sparkle as he looked at all the vampire movies
Ruu waited quietly at the cornor of the store, stood alone and spoke nothing, just let Mikane to have his own time to pick up what he wants.
SeagullRuu: Mikane looked really happy as he kept filling up his basket with all kinds of vampire movies
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