生活中找樂趣 says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
英國首相梅伊對移民與留學生立場軟化 - 衛報教育版頭條
Theresa May softens stance on migration and foreign ...College-goers from abroad have no longterm effect on migration numbers, prime minister admits

她表示國際學生不會對國家帶來長期的衝擊。什麼鬼?(雖然研究所好像不在此限,但,)他X的,當初就是他在內政大臣任內搞出大量砍留學生簽證,原本可以有一年的找工作期間被砍到剩下三個月,根本不夠時間找到工作,而且移民條款也被越弄越高,到後來幾乎是畢業後只給一個月然後就滾蛋,現在又突然軟化,那你當初是為了什麼設限的?! 幹!


#外籍學生 #流氓大學為了錢 #放寬標準
latest #9
掰噗~ says
6 years ago
我也想不透 (p-doh)
The prime minister took a tough stance towards overseas students when she was home secretary and in her first few months as prime minister, attacking those coming to the UK under the auspices of perceived low-grade institutions, with the real intention of finding work.
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