生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
"性別歧視與霸凌" 工黨議長不再競選連任 - 衛報政治版
Labour council leader to quit due to 'sexism and bul...https://imgs.plurk.com/QuR/jDz/zvKHfVdneBdci6XUfipUychwabD_mt.jpeg
#女性從政在英國 #房屋問題 #住屋問題 #英國社會民生議題 #性騷擾
latest #17
【衛報週六專訪】「如果我是男的,就不會說我"不適任"了。」 - 衛報政治版(本日點閱率第四名)
Haringey boss Claire Kober: 'The argument that ...The London council leader has resigned amid claims of sexist bullying by Momentum members. Was she just the loser in a local politics row about regeneration – or is this the future of the Labour party?

#工黨的未來 #黨內性別歧視
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