生活中找樂趣 says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
「我不會輕言放棄的」 梅伊首相堅持下次大選還要再戰 - 衛報政治版頭條
'I'm not a quitter': Theresa May insists she will fi...她也承認要加強與議員和大眾之間的溝通。

托利黨決定要跳入深淵了 不然無法擺脫梅伊首相 - 衛報評論 (當日點閱率第四名)
The Tories are ready to leap into the abyss to get r...在這種時間點重新選個黨魁會毀了整個黨,不過信任投票又一步步地逼近。
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #托利內閣內鬥風起雲湧 #訪中 #聆聽大眾 #澄清 #講清楚 #脫歐立場 #黨員造反
latest #40
掰噗~ says
6 years ago
說的真有道理 (p-wink)
Theresa May disowns Hammond's Davos remarks as ...Chancellor says government will seek ‘modest’ changes from EU, while Jacob Rees-Mogg says ministers are ‘cowed’
Tory MPs considering coup against May as frustration...Both Brexiters and MPs focusing on domestic issues increasingly unhappy with leadership
Theresa May told: raise your game in three months or...Senior Tories have given the prime minister a deadline amid concerns she is leading party to ‘utter destruction’
Theresa May told to clarify Brexit stance or face no...Prime minister ‘as vulnerable as she’s ever been’ as pressure from both sides of Tory party grows
Mount Tory is ready to blow over Brexit – and May ca...The PM is not to blame: no leader could keep a cap on boiling Brextremists, Binos (‘Brexit in name only’) and stay-ins
#內閣 #沒人可以一直炒熱維持溫度 #脫歐分子 #政客 #誰都討好不了
Theresa May faces revolt of leading Tory donorsSir John Hall says party will be ‘decimated’ unless prime minister ‘takes bull by horns’
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