Mister Anderson
6 years ago
figured out what my boss wanted to meet about today.
latest #10
Mister Anderson
6 years ago
1. he wants me to get some training done because...

2. he wants me to be a field service technician, instead of sitting in the office all day, I'd actually travel around and fix printers. So that's neat.
Mister Anderson
6 years ago
so I'd get compensated for travel between calls and all that, maybe a raise who knows idk, and I'd probably be generally closer to home
like in the monroe township school system and such
so good news is good.
Mister Anderson
6 years ago
I'll just have to figure out that whole mess of a schedule cause the training is in caldwell, and it's overnight so I have to make sure I'm done with Fire academy and will also have to reschedule any physical therapy sessions.
gremlin wife
6 years ago
Oooh, interesting!
6 years ago
Me and Setesh are near Caldwell. (5 miles) if you need a place to crash
6 years ago
also, congrats! that sounds great
Mister Anderson
6 years ago
It's a week long. not sure if they put me up in a hotel or what
6 years ago
Ah. I figured when you said overnight that it was a two day deal. Okay!
6 years ago
I'm glad the meeting turned out well!
Mister Anderson
6 years ago
me too!, thanks!
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