生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
"錢先拿來再說" 麥宏回絕後脫歐的城市協議 ──除非英國先付錢給歐盟預算並接受EU的規則 - 衛報政治版頭條
Macron rebuffs post-Brexit City deal unless UK pays ... 法國總統麥宏並堅持除非先付錢與遵守遊戲規則,不然不可能讓英國完全進入歐盟市場(包括金融服務)。
Tough talking Macron says UK must pay for post-Brexi... UCCU。

外交大臣鮑里斯強森向麥宏提議興建英法跨海大橋 - 衛報政治版 (衛報本日點閱率第一名) Boris Johnson proposes a 22-mile bridge across the C...蛤???

海峽大橋不是橋,而是自負的絆腳石 - 衛報評論 Boris Johnson's Channel bridge isn't infrastructure,...不過就是強森的自戀政治俏皮話,而非一個嚴肅的提案。
#打臉 #歐盟預算 #先付錢啊 #不要就拉倒 #單一市場 #英國首相 #遊戲規則 #護照權 #英法貿易協定
latest #15
UK cities shut out of Brexit discussions, say leader...
Representatives of some of the biggest cities outside London met EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier in Brussels
Boris blusters his way around his £40m garden bridge...The foreign secretary’s past is catching up with him, but he really doesn’t seem to care
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