nah not oh no like that, more just.. I was prepared for today and it didn't happen so kinda disappointing.
the later in the day it gets here the more I think my boss just forgot about me again
yeah it's frustrating and kinda not fair to me, really.
Advocate for yourself, dude. Send him reminders. Be persistent!
hhhhhh... I don't want him to get annoyed with me though
he been annoyed in the past over being reminded about stuff?
Idk, he's usually followed through on calls and meetings. only other thing I've had to remind him of was some training that was supposed to happen, which still hasn't. but there's other reasons for that, like company restructuring
If he's a reasonable dude I'm sure he wouldn't mind a reminder that you're waiting on him, then. Bosses are generally busy, and usually can't remember everything
I of all people should not get nervous when talking to others about things but this isn't the military anymore and I don't know why that makes me so anxious
maybe its because I'm afraid of being fired for one reason or another even though logically that's not even likely or appropriate because I have numbers and people to back me up.
but after losing a couple jobs in the past, and hell, being denied reenlistment in the Marine Corps, I'm just really scared to be 'on the market' again, so to speak. I'm terrified of losing something I love doing because I annoyed my boss over some stuff... but that's so stupid and I KNOW it but STILL.. UGHB
psh honey we're getting married you'll never be "on the market" again
Haha. you're right about that...
Also a polite email or call along the lines of "are we still meeting some time soon? I want to make sure I'm not out on a call when you plan to be here" is something perfectly reasonable and not annoying
Hey man you might want to check out the advice blog Ask A Manager, she has lots of great advice for advocating for yourself in an appropriate, professional way
Reading through her archives might help but some of that stuff you're anxious about in a different perspective.
I've had our CFO tell me more than once to just remind him of things several times because he knows he gets too busy and forgets
I remind him his coffee is still at the machine at least once a week at this point
I'll check it out! thanks!