Auryn Beorn
6 years ago
Anyone else is not getting their offlines in the e-mail since today?
latest #19
6 years ago
me too. I finally got an offline for the first time in a long long time
Auryn Beorn
6 years ago
Oh, so you've had this problem... since when? (If you remember)
6 years ago
hmm I guess for a couple of months
Auryn Beorn
6 years ago
Oh wow
Auryn Beorn
6 years ago
I'm going to try that.
6 years ago
ok I haven't gotten one since 12/3
Auryn Beorn
6 years ago
Going to try that in preferences. Turn off, save, turn on, save. If it doesn't work it's time to file a ticket >.<
just corvi
6 years ago
let me know if that works because I've been having the same problem
Auryn Beorn will
6 years ago
Auryn Beorn
6 years ago
Corvi: It didn't work for me. I've filed a ticket: Create Support Case
yeah I'm not getting offliners for a year or so now
Auryn Beorn
6 years ago
Of course, there's no "Other" category, so you have to decide which one is the most similar and then apologize for using the wrong category
just corvi
6 years ago
luverly. Thanks for letting me know
just corvi
6 years ago
I resubmitted my email in the dashboard, that seems to be working now.
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