I do love me discords as a good place to chat with friend groups, wanted to gauge interest here
i love discord, and I'd feel less bad about sharing funny links/dumb pics of Niles/whatever else in there rather than spam up any planning chats so ;;
oh man is this what's finally gonna get me to figure out this discord thing
I'm linefaced#6824 on there
Feel free to join it, set up whatever channels feel relevant to have!
And yeah, discord is basically just a 1000% skype
god help any program if it was just 1000% skype
i heard this is on phone too... ?
Yeah! It has a phone app that's pretty nifty
I'm so bad at actually using discord unless people actively message me but ye
but the long and the short of it is you can create servers where everyone can chat
ok i might bug you privately for assistance later then lmao i'm about to enter some negotiations
servers can have different rooms you can mute or listen to at your leisure
alienwords I can help you at home too since I use it a lot for zines now
I mean I'd set up discord for this
i misread as 'everyone can cat' and honestly .... please
we have a channel for pet pics specifically so
dog pics can also go in the cat pics and cat pic accessories channel
dog pics qualify as cat pic accessories
pep is almost a cat anyway
Ok I finally signed up ellome#4538