Animorphs ABC
We're going for a full series discussion plurk here folks! Beware, spoilers ahead!
latest #10
Animorphs ABC
Tomorrow we'll be starting Book #39, The Hidden, with Cassie at the fore once more!
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For now, let's talk about the Andalites - and how they turned out to be not what the kids assumed they would
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Throughout most of the series, there's a sense of "when the Andalites arrive everything will be over" and "just gotta hold out until the Fleet gets here" - they flat-out say it a few times, and imply it a great many more
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But we're at the point where the Animorphs are starting to realize that this solution might not be real, and almost definitely won't be so simple
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Their initial exposure to Elfangor, who is naturally disposed to humans (and we all know why everybody sob now), and then further knowing Ax convinced them that Andalites might be a touch arrogant at times but they were the Big Good of the universe. Certainly they're the species with the best chance of defeating the Yeerks
Animorphs ABC
But now, having met the strike team, that image is tarnished. And moving forward that tarnish is only going to rot and corrode
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When did you all start to realize that the Andalite military wasn't all it was cracked up to be? Did that hit you hard, or did you just expect it by the time it was revealed/you figured it out?
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Does it make the story better or worse that there isn't really a "Big Good" in the story aside from, maybe, the Ellimist?
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We'll be back tomorrow to get started on our next book
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