I can finally voice test my latest addition to my roster
Aw man I wanna, but I gotta leave soon!
maybe in a bit?? pls keep me off the ping list though because i'm usually not around when we're playing!
normally i'd be at work rn i'm just on vacation
you're actually not on the regular ping list, courtney, jsyk!
I don't know why I put you in the ping, GOMEN
(but this reminded me to go through and cull our lists a little so ty...)
pls do not do an actual murder
endless, matt, me, ren, byrd, alana, karu, ash
oh wait I didn't scroll up enough
does anyone know how to count
(alternatively pls keep the comments to the nsfw channel in sinbin ty <3)
/makes frustrated noises at EPM
I am typing the right password, why are you not letting me log in
...I guess I'll just make an alt real fast on Golbez's since I don't have the patience to try and fix this rn.
it did that to Leon at some point and I had to have a password reset sent just so I could get it usable again
epm why are you so bad at functioning
epm is a functional website programmed by competant people
i'm not doing sara this round btw
this'll be Proof that Leon and Judas are Two People
should i stay orn or becom gwyndolin
Yeah. I've switched to a sad tin can, so
im switching so lothric can go home and hug his brother lmao
if i didnt have to relog id switch to lorian just to be mean
so we having 7 this round? anyone else wanna ping in?
if it hadnt been for cottonmouth joe
i don't think i can make on rydia's acct
And I can't do it on Golbez's either, so...
i guess i'll make and swap over?
The possibility of Golbez getting Hooker on his very first game amuses me immensely, so please
why was I not pinged? just wondering.
i think lum just typed everything in and probably just forgot tbh
since this isn't in pinglist order and has people on it that aren't normally. best guess!
i doubt it was malicious tho
i'm way too distractio tbh so not for me
I'll be doubling again if we are
i need to attempt a slep soon
this'll probs be my last game
I didn't think it was malicious, I was genuinely curious. XD thanks tho!
I can maybe manage one more.
okay i think im up for one last game
also i might switch back to ornstein
Suddenly, Golbez is no longer the tallest one in the room, hahahaha
...? Did the game just somehow end?
The internet booted me for a sec
yes there was An Error in game setup
I am not good at this admittedly
I can either make another attempt or we can call it for the night
I'm good for another attempt if you guys are.
I need 2 maf 2 village and 1 3rd party
ok 2 maf 2 village 2 3rd?
2 maf would still mean that only one person would die and they'd win
okay 1 maf 3 village 2 3rd is that an okay ratio
ornstein without his helmet btw
Golbez sans armor, btw
And yes, that is official art
He is legit running around in very little in the sequel.