6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
take two... this time, hopefully public! i am giving away some points in honor of the new year, 1 set of 250 (6mo pp), 2 sets of 60 (2mo paid) and 2 sets of 30 (1mo paid)! only one stipulation, please see inside. eta: i will draw names after the new year!
latest #167
PLEASE nominate journals. they are just easier for me to send stuff out to. if you get pinged (which is fine) just say which username to send it to, if you win.
and since 250 + 60 + 60 + 30 + 30 only = 430 points, I will probably pad ONE of these listings with 70 extra. I like round numbers.
that's it! have a happy new year everyone :-)
6 years ago
nominating startpoint and cybernerdic for this and ty for your generosity!
nominating nonsenseprince!
nominating pocketspa , restinglichface , and barold
daddy's fave
6 years ago
~fiddlestick, ~onlyanapple, ~willynilly, ~padadin, ~tempredmental, ~this_loser, ~brothersboots
why not >:3c
6 years ago
That_cost, spidertanks, still_the_dm, rockysmash, Grigio, intrinsicrandom, goodolcapnjack
~leaguer, ~distractly, ~dedikated
6 years ago
~plentyfriendly, ~very_good_end, ~afailedmurder
6 years ago
how generous!! I nominate ~actus, ~lalliho, ~splinten and ~talim
Nominating yallstupid, holdmyhand, mamaterasu
6 years ago
~ladytakamaki ~maskreant, ~raygunner, ~akatatai, ~browbeater
6 years ago
whiteknightmare, tastetesting, alizes, melioristically, nofarplaneyet, umbredna
6 years ago
~titanize ~sylphid ~fabrefactions ~complementing ~buncho ~openhanded ~headpatmenace
☼ ᴠɪʟ
6 years ago
nominating ~goen, ~likescaves, ~ryuwrighthistory, ~distantlight
6 years ago
Thank you for this! i'd like to nominate ~glorifies, ~flutteringprince, ~hurricanechef, and ~faunarchism
6 years ago
yes thank you for this!
6 years ago
ye this is super generous!
▶ ☆lex
6 years ago
Nominating ~daybringer!
6 years ago
nominating ~trudge, ~readytocomply, ~3ofswords, ~crowkiller
6 years ago
nominating kindashady, withimagination, misembraced, acheat, and bloodyratbastard
6 years ago
fehus, athnvas, insubordination, tailorable!
rιѕιng ѕυn
6 years ago
getgabbin, thelast_guardian, 4896apexiscrystals, lightforges
nominating lionunchained, padadin, the_tailor, pidge_out, de_evilise, holds_up_walls, threatenwithcuteness
thank you for this!
nominating doitforthevibe, eloquentness, accelerate, catchacold
chkn whsprer
6 years ago
6 years ago
exculpable, verybadday, gentlestep, swill, dontclosemountain, jailbaiting, gotlouder, homeshitshome
no mortal blade
6 years ago
Hewasweak, fille_fatale, wedonotsow, ishallshedmylight, kissthatgoodbye
6 years ago
~art_of_war, ~therewillbeorder, ~cleptes, ~prophesiedone, ~onlydoubts - thank you for doing this, it is really generous!
Spooky Thoughts
6 years ago
~reticence and ~schematise c: thankyou!
~littlemissfutility, ~danceoffs, ~9544, ~mucked, ~thingpuncher, ~controlling, ~evenslimmer
this is super sweet!
6 years ago
nominating! ~tourism ~prettier ~thesweetesthoney
6 years ago
nominating ~candothat, ~mongoosecrow, ~fantachetic, and ~bi_otic
nominating journals distractly, leaguer and perro ! tysm for the opportunity
nominating yallstupid, holdmyhand, and catpiper !!
chkn whsprer
6 years ago
~secondadvent ~purrtagonist too
6 years ago
Blind_Devil, wearebothangry, drnotmister, irememberedhim, caprogers_0704, feels_taller,doesntrunaway, punched_hitler, rabbits_Inblood, Truthandaxes, Live_abe_live, longsforpeace, captjtkirk, medbaysmostwanted, dulcet_cellist
Nominating fatechosen, itchtokill, derolo, and fangoffenharel
6 years ago
Nominating howkickassiam, hoponpop, ryuuzaki, northerndragon,
nominating undwarfy, magnificis, and madcuriosity
Bɪɢ Bɪʟʟ
6 years ago
clussy beeped januaryember alldamnday mommabear deadboywalking notmarieanymore a_shadow and otiosity
vegan gloryhole
6 years ago
Nominating socialactivillain, airshow, pyrogue, and catchacold.
Also nominating catpiper, achievementhunter, and souldeterminent (god I hope I spelled those right ffff)
bruno bangnyfe
6 years ago
nominated brynwielder, doctorder, katcafe! ty!
6 years ago
decathlons, directed, uprightness, edwinjarvis
Game Over
6 years ago
zackthekiller, godspeed, theworldsliveliestcorpse, toomanybaseballs
It’s Lin
6 years ago
Nominating sonofson, redstray, welcome_home, priforprince, and hakingitup!
eta my cutoff... New Years, if that was not obvious lol
feeble scholar
6 years ago
paragon, monomachy, fe_male, seeingscarlet
6 years ago
nominating tar_minyatur and loveathousandyearsgone
gay robot
6 years ago
nominating neverbothered, fuckai, gettinglaid, emps, bloodbathing, and imoustacheyou
doug meat
6 years ago
thanks for the chance! nominating rowancrowned, faithlikeaseed, dashing
6 years ago
nominating ~deem and ~enflame!
6 years ago
nominating ~blindninja, ~notanavenger, ~fightlikehell - cheers for doing this and good luck :3
6 years ago
~theladylazarus ~vela_nova ~mach_n_roll ~sexyspybat ~actualhumandisaster ~hadthehighground
6 years ago
~underachievement, ~sweetwater, and ~dendrites!
6 years ago
oh and ~hulk!
also nominating burningmanifesto, nofarplaneyet, lyriumbound, fifthhouse, espigeon, and nobroth
noms ~danced !
remarkablymodest // astralera // adelphoi // homeshithome
6 years ago
Also god_of_hellfire
oh you sweet thing. i'm nominating ofletters, refigeratormom, failedparenting, morethan084, littledhampir, familybusiness, homeshithome
ɱ૦૦Ո ωҺคՆ૯
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
clussy shipsandsealingwax deadboywalking januaryember
badluckwithplanes, apricitious, blindninja, justice_is
✨ bayleaf
6 years ago
nominating -kaboop, -fabling, -bridalexpress, -nailed_it, -unweave, and -hamnation!
6 years ago
nominating hoponpop, red_hoods, korol_rezni, prebatsuited, hitwithacrowbar, tame
6 years ago
Nominating kokuyoyo, artificialrose, redotiertwo, junkyarddog, and fortunesmiles
ikols, worldsaway, dothelokimotion, fiercestwarrior
6 years ago
nominating leftsides, 164cm, villainlike, reingenium, blastit
6 years ago
aescapes: is there a journal in particular you want nominated?
the forger
6 years ago
thank you for doing this! nominating child_of_bhaal, cunningwoman, and pointedlook!
6 years ago
this is so generous, thank you!
nominating: vorrutyer, imperceptus, iuno, stilettoes, whereabout, incinerates
vdova: oh naw sweetie i just wanted to mom you!!
6 years ago
aescapes: awww well thank you babe i really appreciate it
Restless Heart
6 years ago
Nominating ~tamethatfire, ~assholic and ~bozhemoi thanks and good luck :3
clash of clowns
6 years ago
nominating reckoner, talim, bevoted !! thank youuu
6 years ago
cellkey! annnd... foolishjustice!
6 years ago
phakeout too
~itchtokill, ~sobloodyinspired, ~tobeclosetohim, ~howmuchofmysoul, ~bringstheheat
6 years ago
I nominate: darknstormy, oneluckybastard, toopolite, rebellionbuilt, farmore, theresalwayshope
Thank you! Nominating ~haillenarte
magnetic_magpie and gymshoe_runner
nominating leaguer, limier, byblow, youwonscience, abjuring, coppelganger & khajidont
6 years ago
Not_a_commie , whichisit, callshimsir
wife-coded 🦜
6 years ago
hurtcomfort, whattaprick, atouts
bringstheheat mypriority
6 years ago
Nominating halloflamer, h2no, shadowglitter, fehus, ghoulking
on_ur_left, blooded, shiro2hero, sizeofyourbaggage, theycalledmeacurse, 1701cmo
corve, favorite_forgery, unaffluent
6 years ago
redscribbles: they wanted just journal names not plurk links
6 years ago
Oh wow, thank you for the generosity! Nominating: Polyandrist, TardisDiary, spacepeterpan, abitshort, bigbadrose, younghero, hotheadwarmheart, bythewaves, wsidominshadows, Connie_maheswaran, timeslastsoldier, lastofthetimelords, modelcatizen, and if I am allowed to self nominate: Death_from_above. Thank you so much for running this!!!!
6 years ago
nominating constraint, snikette, and apparare!
nominating youdontneedapictureofme, gentlestep, homeshithome, bryces_pup, unshadowing and crowncitizen
6 years ago
dulcet_cellist, wayfaring_stranger, angelic_archer, withstyle, appetitive, outofthinair
if you got pinged, that's fine, just give me a journal i can send it to!
cataro yumenya
6 years ago
nominating covertizer, beguiledcard, bylight, ladytakamaki, scourgingstars, brokencode, originallutece, and thedifferencebetween!
6 years ago
nom ~disjunct ~sarcaskick ~bloodyashes ~unpurify
daddy's fave
6 years ago
Nominating djbubbles, doubletailpilot and followthatladybug
6 years ago
ALSO: theoldie, oneluckybastard, beallmysins, stickstoporn, lustration, needtobelieve, theimmortalweapon
Gently bumps this bc I'm closing it after tonight!!
6 years ago
nominating Xanthous , liketeenspirit
Nominating djbubbler, followthatladybug, doubletailpilot
noms beknight!!!
some beloved friends and some random faves: yeeeeeeah (six Es!), dryeyes, almightiness, inheritance, jackboots, tigerprint, bespredel, gottakeeponejumpahead... and i guess failien for myself?
vegan gloryhole
6 years ago
Nominating shittywizard, burlyboy, extremeteenbible, hellosirs, continuousgroaning, and h2no
vegan gloryhole
6 years ago
Oh shit and journalkeeper
6 years ago
auste ★
6 years ago
Nominating crimsomatic, guilloqueen, 'yearner', and 'continuer'!
auste ★
6 years ago
* yearner and continuer augh that was fail
I'm gonna call this closed! I have a big drive today but I'll try to compile names now before I go...!
our winners are as follows:
for our sets of 30, perro, and bloodbathing
for our sets of 60, bevoted, and yearner
and last but not least!!! our 250 point winner is prettier!!
please if you nominated people, check and make sure these journals are right, but i did check them all and they seemed to link to a journal!
obviously you don't have to use the points for paid time, feel free to send it to your friends or buy icons or do whatever!!
have a beautiful new year everyone!
chkn whsprer
6 years ago
congrats to the winners and happy new year gratuitous gifter!!!
yay for the winners!
!!!!! omg thank you so much meowed and rosefret
6 years ago
congrats to the winners!!!
I'm gonna send out the points now so watch ya inboxes....
Hmmmmm.... did people accidentally get points sent twice? Lmao... I got double receipts for sending + I was weirdly short for some reason
WELL... SUPER HAPPY NEW YEAR THEN.... idk why that happened
I'd say talk to support. That's a lot of points to hand out accidentally.
this is so nice of you to do!
I am we will see how it goes!
Not even sure that's what happened but I did get double receipts except for the 250. I don't have that much spare points on me lol
Haha thank you! I am happy to, I hope everyone enjoys😄
omg yes i just looked at rene's account and it gave me double points! i thought it was just an email glitch
i sent em back darlin ty so much again!
frickin aww you're a dork you don't have to do that! I am hoping dw will sort it out
6 years ago
Thank you so much! No double points my end but if anything turns up I'll let you know
shewokeup you're welcome! Happy new year! And thanks let me know if any show up.....
6 years ago
Congrats, all!
6 years ago
ahhh oh my gosh, thank you! <3 and a happy new year to you, too!
You're welcome!!! Please enjoy 😁
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