 Roch
6 years ago
Some people are just outright mean.

You’re lucky that you don’t experience major pain in your life. Empathy is definitely not in your vocabulary.
latest #7
 Roch
6 years ago
Oh and also, if you want to spread hatred and meanness. Don’t hide under anonymity.
zerovoltage says
6 years ago
yep, the cowards usually do that. they devote too much time on hate because deep inside they're the miserable & pitiful ones. just walk away & let them be, leave them at their level.
 Roch
6 years ago
zerovoltage that’s great advice. They are indeed cowards.
6 years ago
:-( sorry to hear someone’s trying to spread their bitterness.
Lia says
6 years ago
Tito Pete
6 years ago
The best response to this kind of negativity is apathy. Hayaan mo silang maburo sa bitter juice nila.
 Roch
6 years ago
Awwww thanks guys!
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