Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
Checking in on our read of Book #38, The Arrival and hoo boy, does this book give us a lot to deal with
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
We'll leave most of this for the full book discussion in a couple of days, but just to start with, more Andalites have come! A whole team of them, competent and intelligent and willing to do what's needed - and who don't trust the team, simply because they're humans
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
And that mistrust extends to Ax at least somewhat, while the team mistrusts them in return for showing up and just expecting to take over everything like they've been doing nothing
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
While both sides agree that the Yeerks are the enemy, this feels like a very "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" deal, and not a true alliance. We'll have to see how this plays out over the rest of the book - will they come to terms? Will respect be gained? Will it deteriorate?
Animorphs ABC
7 years ago
We'll be back to talk about the entire book on Friday!