I'm still processing but for the most part I'm super pleased
IT WAS REALLY GOOD!! I have a few questions but they're like... nitpicky stuff and deeply unimportant
watching Poe fuck up and get called on his shit and also get stepped on by older ladies for 2 hours was
I wasn't really a fan of DJin the end, it's 2017 and Bernie bros are still exhausting
I really liked holdo but it seemed like her entire purpose was to play the audience, which is i guess my overarching mmm about this particular movie; it felt like Rian spent so much time trying to manipulate the audience that it interfered with the story as a whole.
he got soooooooo much right and I'm fucking ecstatic over Poe's development (And lack thereof). kylo was handled so fucking well! the last stand aspect was gr888. But I don't like feeling manipulated.
other than the only thing that made me cringe was Leia supermanning it through space, but I was too ecstatic to see her use the force to spend much time dwelling on it
I only remembered when dh mentioned it.
Also can we just pour a keg out for admiral ackbar?
ackbar and black one are the deaths I mourned this time around.
does this make nien and Leia the last surviving rebels in the ranks?
I was really surprised to not see snap either; it's not many side characters that end up major parts of books that just don't show up
I'd like to think he was reconning for a base
But uggghh
poe this whole movie was like one big nightmare to him
I think it really solidifies his place as Leia's protege in all this.
I want to write essays about the way he deals with being made helpless and how excellent his character was through this one oh my godddddd
The way his weaknesses were 100% on display and fucked with and he made choices that were dumb but they really weren't and oh my god they were so perfect
Poe Dameron, watching the one thing he loves above all else falling apart around his ears, and him stripped of the power to officially do anything about it.
I'm so sad there wasn't a proper droid duel
i feel like BB8 and evil BB8 throwing down ended up on the cutting room floor
bc this was already a looooong movie
Oh for sure. I would have taken that over canto tho
Okay, but can we talk for a second about Luke milking the goddamn space walrus?
Also hermit Luke is the best Luke by far
Because so much about hermit!Luke was right and good, but then there was space walrus nipple and the look he gave Rey when he chugged that fresh blue milk
I loved fucking everything about sassy old man luke
I love love love that everyone involved in this movie remembered that Luke is a petty little shit.
And that Yoda is a trolling asshole.
Jedi truly are the worst lmao
I totally feel you on the jesus, stop trying to guide my emotions thing, because there was way too much self-sacrifice in this movie, but goddamn, the bits that were right were right.
Poe scritching BB8's belly when they were reunited.
That scene where General Purple smashed her ship into that other ship.
Yeah that's how I feel about it in the end. so much was absolutely spot on but I still ended up with a touch of resentment because of the manipulation aspect.
The goddamn nightmare fuel of the pit of Cthulhu
I yelled about the force sensitive boy at the end
And god, my heart absolutely stopped when Leia got blasted into space. I couldn't believe that this was how they chose to memorialize her, but then she was Superwoman, and I'm not sure that was any better.
not so much at the HERE'S A SPECIAL NERD DECODER RING, BUY YOURS TODAY! thing but the casual broom grab was so good
I love Rose, too. She needs to stick around.
And how many of the soldiers were women this time around! That was wonderful.
The superwoman thing was probably the most embarrassing star wars moment outside of jar jar imo... why
There were so many other ways they could have had "Leia almost dies, uses Force to survive" that wasn't... that.
I have no idea how they're going to deal with leia with Carrie gone
I was hearing that she was supposed to have a larger role in the next movie and they're having to rewrite and reshoot a bunch to work around her loss. I'm so glad they aren't just making a CG Carrie, though.
I kinda suspect Leia gets killed off in the next movie.
Or Force ghosts off to hang with her brother.
Yeah I'm not into lich stars at all
I'm assuming that Leia was to die to cap off the passing of the torch or w/e
But speaking of killing off the old guard, let's back up and talk about Kylo's character arc, because that? That was well done.
it's just going to be kind of hard because she 100% isn't the kind of character that would just fuck off to grieve
I kept hearing fragments of spoilers about how oh, Reylo is canon now, oh, they force-kissed, they've got ~a connection~ and I'm so glad that everyone was wrong.
kylo ren is such an anime lmfao
Oh yeah I had no doubt reylo wasn't coming because it was too heavy handed in the trailers
Yeah, likewise. But it's also Disney and they can be bad about that kind of thing.
I'm seeing it again on Sunday and I can't wait.
true. thankfully the sw contingent seems to be avoiding the worst of Disney's fairy tale shortcomings
Oh man I'm tempted to go again today but this is my only day off until Christmas and I'm fucking tired.
I fully expect that the next movie is going to be my favorite
until then, it's still RotJ
Sorry, I'm still stuck on hologram!Luke brushing that bit of dust off his shoulder.
I'm kinda Kanye shrugging at the han movie but I did the same for r1 and the movie it should have been would have been the top of my list for all time.
See, R1 was everything I wanted it to be on the first watch-through, but then, yeah, on review it just wasn't quite what it could have been.
Mark hammed it up so perfectly????
Yeah that's exactly how I felt
"Are you here to try and save me again?" "...No."
done right r1 would have been my favorite movie of all time
Oh my god I wish we had a million more years of hermit boy
All those years of voice acting have given him the best snark, I swear.
His delivery was just perfect throughout.
Like, I was never a Luke fan. I understood the need for his character but I never really liked him, or Hamill's portrayal of him all that much. But this Luke, and this Hamill? Goddamn, please sir may I have some more.
He was absolutely perfect. funny and eccentric and just so so so good
Same. I was over heroic farmboys decades ago, but this is phenomenal
Angry and self-absorbed and where the fuck did all the people on that island come from?!
Every time you turned around there were more people and critters living on that pocket-sized island.
crawling out of the cthulu mouth I guess
Okay, I have to go do things, but my last thought is that I'm looking at your Cersei emote and I need one of Luke throwing shade all over Rey as he sips his walrus milk.
Ha! Yes, that was amazing.
go do things, may the force be with you etc
I've think I've got some in my pocket right here
I think my two favorite callbacks were chewing piloting the falcon through the Crystal death star 2 trench... And the fact that Poe and reys meeting was pulled directly from the tfa novelization 👌👌👌
chewie even, thanks phone
I finally saw it and can venture into this plurk and just
Leia blasting the door down and Poe is so happy to see her and he thinks she'll back him up and.......nope, phaser set to stun
sit your ass down flyboy, let the ladies handle this
he's needed it for so long!!!!
his characterization was so perfect this movie; I'm so glad we got to see him facing consequences and not being Mr. Right by default because he's a hero boy
I hope he actually develops from this
because he's been resisting it all through the comics, too - no wonder Leia was absolutely fucking done with his shit
also just. Vice Admiral Holdo.
talk about the road to hell being paved with good intentions lmao
I loved her even if her actions frustrated me
yeah because honestly...would they have lost so much if Poe and Finn would have just. fuckin' waited?
no. no, they wouldn't have.
(also if Holdo would have just been like 'we have a plan, you dumbass, just sit down and wait.')
(poor communication kills: the movie)
but Poe is absolutely incapable of sitting still and Finn has Rey blinders on
I mean they knew Poe defected from the Republic Navy because he didn't think they had a plan, tell the poor dumbass what you're doing before he hops in an X-Wing and fucks off
I just feel like everything holdo did was meant to fuck with the audience's expectations. she was like a one man will she won't she match all the way to the end.
"you kind of have a problematic tendency towards mutiny, go sit in a corner."
it was worth it to see holdo take him down tho when he tried to reassert his position after Leia went on her space flight
that was a thing of beauty
no, Poe, she knows exactly who you are
he's exactly that person, too
and how exactly you are not qualified to tell her how to do her job
poor Leia does she really have no one more capable of stepping into a leadership role once she's gone?
she's been trying to groom him for quite a while
holdo was a perfect candidate but she apparently needed to be the one to pilot the ship???
yeeeeah...too bad he seems to have let his skills with an x-wing inflate his ego to the point where it has it's own gravitational pull
I guess a lot of characters made a lot of bad decisions that day
Oh he's a flyboy, that comes with the territory
I wish they hadn't. like. isn't auto pilot a thing in this galaxy? pull the throttle on the light speed and let 'er rip
(I mean, her cutting a glorious swathe through what has to be a fairly decent amount of the remaining First Order fleet was beautiful, but.)
how is this not an expected and normal maneuver
why do the bad guys keep exposing the tender buttholes of their big scary machines after all this time
they do it all the time in Star Trek
ram your ship down the other guy's throat
RIGHT? 'well balls, we're fucked, might as well make our sacrifice worth it and hyperspace through this fleet'
since we've thrown all the rules of hyperspace and gravity and whatnot out the window anyway
I mean in the last movie Kirk made the entire saucer section flip over on one person
murder via spaceship seems to be catching
like I said I really enjoyed the movie despite its flaws
I'm so so so so glad this isn't the Skywalker show anymore
I'm glad all these ladies are incredible and saved the day
I'm glad luke didn't pull his head out of his ass and just waltz in to save the day
I'm so relieved the rest of Poe's squad from the first movie are ok and just elsewhere at the mo
I did too. I mean, the killing off of Snoke so anticlimactically was a bit much, and 'oh your parents were just good for nothing drunks' was
I loved snoke splattering like he did ... who cares about that guy
I'm so glad they didn't redeem kylo
I'm sorry you had parents who loved you, how terrible for you
I haven't read much of the extended stuff at all so my feelings on Hux are "wow you're a fascist asshole" but
like... after reading the aftermath books and then seeing how snoke sees him and how Kylo's just stepping on his face now... you're a piece of shit kid but that sux
I'm a tiny bit more sympathetic to kylo knowing luke considered offing him and then explicitly saying snoke was already in his head but uh
still needs to be put down and I'm glad Rey stepped back from that shit
I love how Rey isn't afraid of the dark, she's just going to do the right thing anyway
the Jedi did so much wrong because they were afraid. Luke did so much wrong.
Hello I can collapse in here now that I've seen the movie
It should have been called star wars: the last Jedi and also Poe
I was so pleased with how much screen time and development he got like damn
RIGHT holy shit did my boy get some spotlight
And their novelization meeting
that loveable dumbass
I squealed and thought of you during that scene lmao
I THOUGHT OF YOU TOO I miss you and your poe
maybe once the new year comes and I'm settled in my new job and also I've seen it a few more times I can trot him out
Lmao I feel the need to watch it over and over
So good... It did almost everything,I wanted, the only way it could have been better is if like Finn and Rey had met on the first order ship and gotten out together
I WANT TO WATCH IT SO MUCH I have so many feelings about him and it was just a fucking delight to see all his weaknesses brought to the fore and to see his reaction to different stuff
I spent like hours thinking about how he'd react to things post-movie
and more Poe and Rey ... his expression when she was lifting the rocks
and yeah, I'd have loved to have seen more scenes of the kids in general
also I'm glad we didn't get too much FinnPoe shipteasing ... I'm convinced Poe has an unrequited crush on Finn, but Finn is living too wild to think about any sort of romance
Lmao when she lifted the rocks and it was Finn and Poe looking at her like
And then they both run to her
I would love an eventual ot3 but now reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaally isn't the time
I saw a lot of people like OH REY WAS SO JEALOUS WATCHING FINN TUCK IN ROSE and it was like what movie were you watching sje1 didn't look upset at all
If anyone thinks Rey is thinking romantically about anyone,at this point in her life I just
I had a lot of nerdy feelings about the transmitter to rey getting passed to the people it did
Finn literally putting Rey in Poe's hands so she'd go to hom if something happened
she didn't look remotely jealous
but man yeah, I'm with you
serious found family shit up in here, let's go
also I'm a little baffled over why they aren't releasing the novelization until march
which ... nah, actually no I'm not; that's probably around the time the bluray comes out
so if you want to experience any of that again you have to go back to the theater
I'm gonna buy the fuck out of it
who wrote it do you know?
I haven't really read any of his not-kiddie stuff so I'm not sure how good it's going to be
kinda wish Alexander Freed was in on it, but at least it's not ADF
lol the old bastard probably had a coronary over women saving the day
while the men were mostly useless
it was such a good 2017 movie