Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
GIF GIF GIF bunch of new makeups coming. Just felt like sharing a few wips ♥
latest #28
Star dit
7 years ago
7 years ago
cute, that last one reminded me of my fav from shimoneta, Fuwa
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
Dysfunctionality: oh, is that an anime ?
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
I kind of wanted to mix glitters and dark circles so that makes Glitter circles haha
7 years ago
yes! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMg1glOU8AA05Jg.jpg she always has colour under her eye like that
Kittyfox McMeep
7 years ago
yas gurl
Kittyfox McMeep
7 years ago
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
Dysfunctionality: I love dark circles tbh lol
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
7 years ago
soo pretty undereye makeup/blush is my favorite thing tbh
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
thanako: hell yes, under eye blush is my motto haha, I will do more in a near future with more options; these are glittery dark circles and they kind of look like under eye blushes. I've made some under eye blushes in the past but they were gacha, I want to do more of them with plenty of options as a normal release tbh so people have choicee
RoseBun Foofoo
7 years ago
RoseBun Foofoo
7 years ago
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
nami_naeko: I missed doing makeups! I want to make MOREE; let mee put some makeup on your beautiful facee
7 years ago
ohh i can't wait for that! i think i have your gacha ones too. need to collect ALL the undereye bags/blushes
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
thanako: I'll do a huge collection so you can collect them all at once
RoseBun Foofoo
7 years ago
7 years ago
- 혜민
7 years ago
So cute bby.
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
Thank you so much girls; glad you do; makes me happy
Kimmi Skye
7 years ago
they look great, and that under eye one is interesting, I don't remember seeing any like that before, at least in SL
Miko Shin Do
7 years ago
KimmiSkye: Thank you! I hope so, I don't know if someone ever made this but I never happened to see this kind of things either. It was all a coincidence, I was making eyeshadows and then somehow, I started to add undereyeblush and was " OH, let's try this " hahaha
Abra 🥗
7 years ago
Yaaaaaaaaaas!!!!! Those glossies tho
Bellα Kαɴe dit
7 years ago
ohhh those are sooo pretty!!
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