Lately it's become really obvious to me that my store and the products I offer are mostly reactions to events and themes, instead of proactively moving in the direction of my vision and where I want my store to GO. I can't really complain because events have treated me very well; exposure, collaborative fun, deadlines can help productivity.. (continued)
But I'm getting a little sick of it because there are several things that I've been DYING to make for MONTHS that either don't fit a theme, aren't appropriate for gacha, would be better suited for a mainstore release, etc.. I just CANNOT make time for them between events! ;_;
So anyway, this is my long-winded way of saying that I'll be passing on themed events a little more often now, at least until I can get through this list of things that have been eating away at me. I'll still be at my super reg ones; arcade, epiphany, k9, I'll always make time for C88 guest invites (orapermanentspotINCONSPICUOSCOUGHnothingtoseeherefolks)
I can imagine what you're feeling. Does not require a lot of yourself, you need to rest, sl is not to be something exhausting! love your creations! but you also need time to breathe. I'll be here always supporting you and your store