alls3rein says
15 years ago
I can't attend the Domi III event later... and it's sorta a good thing! XP
latest #16
alls3rein says
15 years ago
im going to EK instead! (dance)
Lance says
15 years ago
weeeeeeee~ XD
alls3rein says
15 years ago
i can't take pics of teh cosplayers though. =.="
alls3rein says
15 years ago
And i won't even be able to attend the Ozine! yaarr..
Lance says
15 years ago
at least it's EK. Vertigo FTW XD
alls3rein says
15 years ago
at least i could drink meds for that.. unlike Nosebleeds from being ERO-SENNIN! (lmao)
Lance says
15 years ago
(LOL) beh! :-P
Haoson says
15 years ago
alls3rein says
15 years ago
maybe you should go with me, you might be able to see more girl when your up teh ferris wheel! ...Then it'll rain blood. LMAO! XD
Lance says
15 years ago
(lmao) I'll seriously take you up on that offer. Reserve pzl! XD
Haoson says
15 years ago
lol nice one a ^ (lmao) sabit ako i want to see girls tooO!
alls3rein says
15 years ago
Bird's eye view pa yun! Bwohahaha! >:-) XDD
Haoson says
15 years ago
lol that sounded.... naughty (devil)
alls3rein says
15 years ago
iieeeeee!!! XD
dreadlord says
15 years ago
LOL nagEK nlng hahaha
Lance says
15 years ago
yummy naughtiness XD
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