dnd newb games
7 years ago
[dnd] Hey folks! I'm taking a break from scheduling newbie games through December, but I will be happily running them by request! Open to the general public as always. THIS is the post with information on them, and if you need help looking for a group, there's a Discord channel here!
latest #52
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
please... can I request a text-friendly session for those of us without mics I'm happy for you to use yours I just can't use mine! And I had fun heckling about throwing monkey paws
dnd newb games
7 years ago
absolutely! I'll try to facilitate a text-based only signup in january, but if you can find a group in december who'd be willing to do text-based, absolutely get with me!
dnd newb games
7 years ago
i'm free through a lot of december - the lack of signup times isn't because i'm too busy to do games, i definitely still want to - i just wanted to take a break from the scheduling, ha.
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
!!! I already have one other person who is game I will see if I can herd up a third
dnd newb games
7 years ago
sounds good to me! i'm also happy to run for two people if the two people can both promise to be really proactive players, ha.
grantairian I know you're busy rn but!
dried squid.
7 years ago
ew who is this
dried squid.
7 years ago
but 10/10 would recommend newbie dnd games they are fun
dnd newb games
7 years ago
Oh, no, aha. Sent out the update newsletter, glad to know basic punctuation breaks things-- https://i.imgur.com/hy5DLou.png
queer pirates
7 years ago
swings in to say i am down for a december game! mid to late december preferred, though
I would absolutely be down for a text-based game since I’m super shy
dnd newb games
7 years ago
I'm pinning the "active searches" in the lfg channel.
dnd newb games
7 years ago
schematise It looks like Giz is interested in the text-based one! Y'all should get together.
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
!!! I specifically was hoping to coax you into a Changeling:TL game before 2nd edition comes out tho and I know that isn't for everyone
dnd newb games
7 years ago
Hmm.. (thinking) That might take a little more finagling, since Changeling is a little Complex for a one-shot, but I might see what I can arrange.
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
there is a tutorial oneshot they released iirc but it's... you know
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
it has a playable exotic dancer character
dnd newb games
7 years ago
oh god i have that LMAO
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
dnd newb games
7 years ago
okay, well, i'm happy to give it a shot! it'd probably need to be a couple of sessions, because the text-based ones just take a little longer due to the nature of... typing, but i don't mind that
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
if you have a better thing I am.... OBVIOUSLY OPEN TO THAT
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
lycanthropy101 was me strongarmed +1
Spooky Thoughts
7 years ago
yes I am! and I am definitely down for a text-based game!
dnd newb games
7 years ago
oh, hey teresa! this is autumn.
dnd newb games
7 years ago
I'd love to have y'all for sure! Can you get with giz and come at me with some times/dates that you all have available?
AUTUMN I remember youuuu
dnd newb games
7 years ago
It suddenly snapped in my brain lmao HELLO
7 years ago
Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for doing this. I've wanted to learn how to play and am starting to figure it out. It's a little overwhelming.
7 years ago
Thankfully the local comic shop had a demo day and is starting to host Adventurer's League play
dnd newb games
7 years ago
Qwis: I love Adventurer's League! That's typically what I use for the 5e one-shots.
ive been wanting to play so badly
dnd newb games
7 years ago
then you! are in luck!
bug guy
7 years ago
if you end up with any on a Wednesday/Friday/Sunday that need people, I'm gonna have a 3-days-off schedule through the holidays so I might be able to make one now!!
dnd newb games
7 years ago
sure!! keep an eye on the lfg channel in the server
gizmatico i would play w you!!!
i bet we could round up hannah
Chastity Nook
7 years ago
Chastity Nook
7 years ago
But also leah you know what you need to do
dnd newb games
7 years ago
236 bees
7 years ago
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