6 years ago
;_; hi, sweet libby.
latest #46
6 years ago
i really need to spruce this plurk up... i've been so separated feeling from the computer and net as a whole.
6 years ago
but i've been missing and thinking about you a lot.
6 years ago
idk, if i should tag you into this plurk since i don't want to demand your attention, but i know keeping up with plurks can be hard... i'll find a way to ask you more specifically what you prefer later if you don't see it.
6 years ago
i'll try to go back through some plurks you've made by this weekend. i'm trying to catch up with so much right now...
6 years ago
and gosh, i stayed up for the first time in a long, long time for 32 hours yesterday and so. but i was nonstop. i got a lot done.
6 years ago
but it pushed back some other things at the same time, if that makes sense?
6 years ago
my mom wants to cook thanksgiving dinner, even though it'll just be us two. i don't mind. it makes me somewhat happy, and she almost never wants to do holidays. she's been wanting to this year, so if it'll help her feel happier, i want to do them.
6 years ago
i'm kind of overwhelmed by the amount of food, because we bought a lot of groceries, too, so our fridge is going to be packed with produce and left overs. a packed fridge isn't very common for us.
6 years ago
i've been eating badly because of feeling badly and my health and skin is taking an extra toll, so i kind of went nuts buying a lot of veggies. i hope i can push myself to eat mostly healthy again, or at least balance my eating habits.
6 years ago
it's strange. i am typing here and trying to catch up on like week old tags... i know i am typing and can see the letters, but it feels so disjointed and connected from myself and what i'm doing. i know i sound crazy. i know what i'm doing, but don't feel like i am doing it, or that i'm actually here.
6 years ago
if this is a scary thing, forgive me. i feel like i need to share it, so that if i am making extreme typos or not making sense, you'll know that i'm in a strange plain ( ? i don't know. ) reaching through a film of something to talk and type.
6 years ago
plane, rather.
6 years ago
oh, i was talking about thanksgiving. i am not much of a cook. i want to practice and get better. there's all kinds of things to try. the thought makes me happy.
6 years ago
but i am still struggling with my energy. standing at the stove for a long time makes me feel sleepy. having to preheat, lol, makes me feel sleepy. i know this is silly.
6 years ago
my therapist wants to try and help me find a case worker. we have to see if i'm eligble.
6 years ago
6 years ago
that will be nice. if it can happen. things will probably start to fall more easily into place, like all the professionals i'll need to seek to start feeling better.
6 years ago
it's hard to feel you deserve to feel better when you feel like you deserve nothing, and i want to cry a lot because i feel like to say, "i want to be healthy" means i think too highly of myself and i'm being selfish.
6 years ago
but i want to be healthy, so i can have energy, so i can be a better friend, a better daughter, a better pet mama. so, i can be dependable, and stop letting people down.
6 years ago
i want to be someone i can be proud of, i guess, but even that feels... like i'm being selfish.
6 years ago
i only meant to just say hello, my thoughts go off tracks. sorry.
6 years ago
cooking. i was thinking about cooking, and deviated, because i want to be a better cook.
6 years ago
my mom will probably do most of it, but she asked me to cook brussell sprouts, which i love, and she says are her favorite veggies.
6 years ago
it made me really happy, because i can cook brussell sprouts pretty well. but they're simple. maybe that's silly. anyone can cook brussell sprouts. they're easier than eggs, which are very easy.
6 years ago
i'm gonna bake a cake, too. i'm not proficient in baking or cooking at all, so it won't be cool, like from scratch. just a box.
6 years ago
but the idea of baking at all, idk. i keep saying "it makes me happy" but these small things do make me happy.
6 years ago
even from a box, there's a different feeling taking a cake out of an oven versus buying one from the store.
6 years ago
there's a gap in these teplies, i'm sorry, because my mother and brother started a screaming match.
6 years ago
i wanted to come back to ask if you're planning or have done anything for thanksgiving? i'm sure it
6 years ago
's not a day of celebration in japan, but do you plan to celebrate or put any thoughts toward it regardless?
6 years ago
i'm thinking of you and i love you a whole lot.
6 years ago
MELIIIIIIII i’m sorry i wasn’t checking plurk yesterday bc i had the day off and strangely enough that always makes me lazier about checking social media
6 years ago
first of all happy thanksgiving to you my dear!
6 years ago
now that i am at work i can chat more
6 years ago
i do try to be very thorough with going through my plurk list but if there's ever anything you especially want me to see, tagging it is a good idea. i won't ever feel like you're too demanding!
6 years ago
staying up for 32 hours is intense! i'm glad you were able to get a lot done but yeah that can really take it out of you
6 years ago
i hope your thanksgiving dinner went/is going well! i definitely need to eat more veggies myself. i recommend soup as a way to use up a lot of veggies! i need to practice making more soup too
6 years ago
i'm not scared by your dissociation? if that's what it is with feeling disconnected from yourself re: typing. i don't have much advice to give on why you're feeling that way, but it doesn't put me off or anything. neither do typos, for that matter.
6 years ago
i really hope you can get a case worker to help you sort things out! i've also been really exhausted lately and in low spirits myself. i know it can be hard to believe sometimes but not only is wanting to be healthy NOT a selfish thing, it's something you deserve.
6 years ago
i hope your brussell sprouts came out well! when i've had them they've always been a little too bitter for me, so i'm curious how you cook them. and cake! box cakes are yummy and totally cool
6 years ago
the 23rd of november is a holiday in japan and it just so happened to fall on thanksgiving this year! thank you for asking about my plans ;3; it makes me really happy because one thing that was making me feel sad lately was feeling like some friends (not you, but some here in japan) didn't seem to be taking much interest in how i was doing? idk
6 years ago
anyway, i had the day off yesterday so i chatted with my family in the morning. i had a dentist appointment and got a good cleaning for my teeth and some advice on which electric toothbrush to buy (i need a new one).
6 years ago
also the appointment was a lot cheaper than i had expected so that was a nice surprise
6 years ago
i got some groceries and watched a lot of mst3k and made nabe for dinner. nabe is a hot pot so i basically boiled a lot of veggies and tofu and ate that
6 years ago
it was yummy but i think the soy milk i used as part of the soup was old so i had a bit of a stomachache later ><
6 years ago
but i did ALL of my dishes
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