ad1759am 正在
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Trump puts big-game trophy decision on hold - CNN Vi... 轉噗 [LKJH] 《PART1》 一隻鸚鵡飛到了總統府。 軍警費了九牛二... 天有好生之德! 身為萬物之靈的人類,尤其川普先生乃今世全球獨霸美國總統竟有如此高鑑器識;這18世紀落伍思維,怎堪領導今日世界? 此絕非媒體炒作,川普總統先生,回首是岸! Stop the decision, Mr. Trump, please, no buy no sell. Please show American is a friend to all animals on the Earth.
7 years ago
要批北韓,就由美國國務卿或國防部長來就夠了;川普親自出面,該找個秤頭對象,話題是夠分量了North Korea is a pupid only, the real one of a state sponsor of terrorism is China who is the NK sponsor as well known to the whole world, why Trump only names North Korea that hurts her people only and damages Trump's personal image, especially as US president. Trump names North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism...